Chapter 1

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Nicole’s POV

Hi, I'm Nicole Brian or Nic for short. I'm sixteen years old and in year eleven at school. Which means GCSEs. Yay. I can play guitar, piano and I sing. My musical inspirations, if you will, are probably All Time Low, Piece The Veil and Sleeping With Sirens. Most people in the hell hole called school are scared of me and that includes the teachers. Today brings the first day of the summer term.

The bell for fifth period just rang and I’ve got music now. I joined the crowd of students making their way to the next lesson. I went up the music stairs and walked into the classroom, grabbing a seat at the back. The rest of the class pilled in, before a woman i’ve never seen before walked in. She had shoulder length blonde hair, she was short but wore heels and a fitted black dress. The dress hugged her amazing figure. She was wearing a minimal amount of makeup and a pair of glasses.

“Good morning class. My name is Miss Lovato and I’m going to be your music teacher this year. I think it’s only fair that you know a bit about me, so ask away.” She introduced herself. A swarm of hands went up with questions. “How about you introduce yourself and then ask.” She pointed at one of the girls in the front row.

“I’m Ellen. How old are you?” she asked.

“Hi Ellen, I’m 20” Miss Lovato replied smiling as pointed to another girl.

“I’m Jess. Do you play an instruments?”

“Hi Jess, I do indeed. I play guitar, piano, bass, keyboards and I sing.” Miss replied.

“Can you sing for us?” Jess asked excitedly.

“Maybe another time.” She laughed. She picked another girl and I stopped listening. I pulled out my phone and began playing some games. The next thing I know i’m being tapped on the shoulder.  “What’s your name?” Miss Lovato asked me.

“Er, Nicole.” I said bluntly.

“It’s nice to meet you Nicole, now please hand over your phone.” She said holding out her hand waiting for me to give it her. I let out a big sigh and slammed it into her hand. “No need for the attitude. See me at the end of the lesson, Nicole.” She said walking away. Oh great.

Our objective for the lesson was to come up with a piece and to ready to perform it for next lesson. We could do this in groups or solo and it could be anything we wanted. I chose to sing, on my own of course. Not that anyone would’ve actually wanted to have worked with me. I decided to do an acoustic cover of If These Sheets Were States by All Time Low. I grabbed a guitar from the back of the room, tuned it and searched for the chords. I learnt them as well as I could before trying to play and sing.

We were called back into the classroom and reminded that we would have to be performing our pieces tomorrow. The teacher then dismissed the class and I stayed in my seat staring at the wall in front of me.

"Nicole?" she called.

"Mmh" I replied, turning to look towards her.

"Grab your guitar and a chair and come sit over here." she instructed. I paused before doing what she asked.  She looked at me expectantly.

"What?" I asked her slightly confused.

"Sing me your chorus." she said softly smiling.

"Er, okay.." I strummed the chords and began to sing. "If these sheets were the states, and you were miles away, I'd fold them end over end to bring you closer to m-" Miss Lovato signalled for me to stop. "I wasn't that bad, was I?" I questioned her worried after she sat in silence for a while.

"Oh, no no, quite the contrary actually." she complemented me. "I can’t wait to hear the final piece. You may go now Nicole."

"Thanks, but aren't you going to shout at me for being on my phone?" i asked her shocked.

"No, here you go." she said handing back my phone. "Just don't let me catch you on it again without permission." Miss Lovato warned.

"I wont, thanks miss." i said getting up to leave.

"Have a nice evening Nicole" she called after me.

"You too!" I shouted back and left school to go home. I headed straight to my room, pulled out my homework. I completed as much as I could before going back downstairs to make dinner for me and my little brother Josh. He’s eleven years old, so he can look after himself to a certain extent. My mum isn’t around much because she’s constantly ‘working’. And well I haven’t seen my father since i was about three. My mum refused to tell us why he left, but the rest of my family have always dropped hints that he didn’t treat us very well, especially my mum. Josh came along when mum got her last serious boyfriend. They were together 3 years and were planning to get married until they found out they were having a baby. He left her soon after that.

I practised singing whilst putting in a large pizza for the two of us to share. We don’t have much money, but we get by. All our close family is dead or has disowned us.

 Demis POV

I started gathering up my things to go home, after my first day teaching at this school. The majority of the students seemed nice and keen to learn. One student really stood out today though, Nicole. I don't know if its because she was the only one to cause any trouble or because I fell in love with her voice immediately. I feel like she could go far with the right help and attitude. Maybe I'll talk to her about it sometime. All I know is I cant wait to hear her voice again. Some of the other girls in her class can sing but they've got nothing on her.

I grabbed my bags and the guitar she used and put it back in its place. I locked the classroom door behind me and turned down the stairs and into the hallway. I was met with the headmaster walking towards me. "Hello Demi, I trust you've had a good first day?" he spoke kindly.

"I have thank you. You have some ever talented students in your school." I remarked.

"We do. I believe you had a Nicole Brian in your last lesson."

"That would be correct, why?" I asked intrigued.

"Its just she's one of the biggest trouble makers in the school, yet she probably has some of the best potential." he said pitifully.

"I know what you mean,but its so often the way."

"Well if you have any problems with her just send her straight to my office. Enjoy the rest of your evening Demi. See you tomorrow." he said before walking off.

"You too." I called back to him before walking out to my car and driving off back home. 

I pulled into my driveway and parked the car. I grabbed my stuff and walked to the front door, unlocking it and dumping everything on the side table next to the door. I kicked off my heels and tied up my hair into a rough bun. I entered the kitchen and headed straight for the fridge. I pulled out a opened bottle of red wine and poured myself a small glass. I pulled out a container that was filled with salad I'd made this morning and sunk into the sofa, putting my feet up. I took a long sip of the wine and sat back, before reaching for the remote and switching on the telly.

I cleaned up the kitchen and everything I had used. I went back to the sofa and logged onto my laptop. I checked Facebook and Twitter. A couple of friend requests from members of staff, a couple of game notifications and a new photo of me and two others tagged by my little sister, Madison. I clicked on it and up popped the photo of me, Maddie and Dallas, my older sister, when I was on crutches.

Funny story really; my ex girlfriend polished the floor with pledge, I got up to get us an ice lolly each and slipped, breaking my fibular. Okay maybe not that funny.  More painful.

I'm not a lesbian. I mean yeah, I said girlfriend. But I've also had boyfriends. And I still find men attractive and I find women attractive, so yano I guess that makes me bisexual. I don't tend to label it. If I like you, I like you. What difference should it make, whether your the same sex as me or not.

Oh, also note I said ex. Yeah; she dumped me for some girl she met in a club somewhere in London. 'Some girl' goes by the name of Sophie.

I've just turned twenty, got a new job,  newly single and loving life at the moment. What could possibly go wrong?

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