Baby beiber

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One day you were walking donw the mall and then you hear some one calling you. You turn your head and you seen justin.(you) oh my god justin i havent seen you since middle school.(justin)-yeah long time no seen.hey i was wondering if you want to come over some day.(you)-yeah sure.

(Days and days passed you and justin are know a cuple you been together for 3 years)

(Justin)-hey good morening (kiss) (you)-hey,why are you so up early (justin)-reamber i have a shoot to do for my calvins (you)-oh yeah well see you later (justin)-bye.

(Justin)-hey good morening (kiss) (you)-hey,why are you so up early (justin)-reamber i have a shoot to do for my calvins (you)-oh yeah well see you later (justin)-bye

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(A few hours later you start feeling sick and you throw up so you call your bestie ariana grande)

(You)-hey ariana can you come over i dount feel good.(ariana g)-yeah sure were are you at (you)-at justin's (ariana g)-okay i am on my way.

(Then ari arive's)

(Arina)-hey how do you feel (you)- i dount know i been throwing up all day and wend i eat i get descusted (ariana)-oh my god no way i think....(you)- you think i am what (ariana)-i think you are haveing a baby (you)-are you sure (ariana)-yes lets go to the store to buy one to make sure (you)-okay.

(So you go to the store and then you take the test and relize that you are haveing a baby)

(You)-i cant belive i am going to be a mom,what if justin douse not want this baby (ariana)-he will i know he will trust me well got to go bye.

(A cuple of hours later justin get home and you strat to talk)

(You)-justin we need to talk (justin)-okay why (you)-would you ever like to have kids (justin)-yeah i loved to i think it's cool to see little versions of my self ,but why would you ask that (you)-it's because (justin)-wait dount tell me are you are you haveing a baby am i going to be a dad (you)- yes you are (justin)-i can't belive i am going to be a dad and you a awesome mom (you)-Awww thanks

(So time pass and the baby's name is justin beiber jr and you and justin live Happly ever after)

(So time pass and the baby's name is justin beiber jr and you and justin live Happly ever after)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2016 ⏰

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