Where this all Began

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Dear old friend,

You hate me now, I know this because you and all our mutual friends have informed me. We do not talk, you ignore my existence, and there seems like no hope for us of ever being the same. I guess this letter was meant to say that I am sorry for how I dealt with our situation and that maybe I should have tried harder. However, I am not sorry for telling you what I believe in. I guess I should start from the beginning of our story in my point of view.

You were my best friend and we talked every night on Facebook and at school. You actually started having different feelings towards me that I could not return. I hurt you by not feeling the same, but at least, we could still be friends. After a while, you met someone and started dating her. She lied and cheated on you and I tried hard to help you through it. A while had passed after that incident and I thought you were better, but then you started getting upset every night. Every time we would talk, you would say how depressed you were because you did not have a girlfriend and was feeling lonely.

I would tell you, every time, that you are not alone because you have friends and family, like me. You blew that off saying "that is not the same." It made me angry so I told you that you need to stop focussing on how poor you feel and more on the good things in your life, but you yelled back saying that you did not have anything good to focus on. This made me angrier and I told you to go to therapy because I could not help you like I had wanted too and I was too angry at how you were thinking. I know now that I did not deal with our situation very well and now we are not friends.

I believe that if you focus on all the miserable events in your life, then you will miss out on the favorable memories. It is okay to feel sad about things in your life once in awhile, but do not let it invade your life. If you want to be happy, then do not dwell on things that make you sad or angry. You are the remote to your emotions, in my opinion, plus there is so much to be appreciative of in our puny lives. For example, family, even if you have fights every once in awhile, food, and knowledge.

Don't get me wrong, you can talk it out with me and even ask for advice, but when you have someone complain and are depressed daily about the same thing, that is when I start to get tired of the pity party. I hope that some day you look back and finally realize I was just trying to help, even if I should not have been angry at you to the point of yelling. I just want you to see that it upset me to know, even having me as a friend, could not fix your loneliness.

Your forgotten friend,


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