May I Have This Dance?

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I took a sip of my wine and watched my best friend Kate dance with her new husband. Right after they had said 'I do', they kissed and started dancing. Everyone joined in except me. I just sat back and enjoyed my peace and quiet. After a while, some people sat down. I had been the maid of honor. When we were younger, Kate had promised I would get the position and in return she would be mine at my wedding. I smiled at the memory. Thirteen years old, wrestling in the dirt. No, fighting. Wrestling didn't normally include blood. After we had beaten the shit out of each other, we had agreed our plans for our weddings. I grinned even more and watched her dance. A tear slid down her cheek. I wish I felt her happiness. I immediately cut off that thought and pushed it to the back of my head. I scowled at myself and took a long drink of the wine. Kate decided to bring her husband over right at the moment. "Hey Tj!" She called. I quickly replaced the scowl with a smile. "Hey Kate!" I waved and stood up. She let go of Shepley's hand and wrapped her arms around me. "You look beautiful." I whispered in her ear. She leaned back and gave me a once over. "Same goes for you. Being a tomboy, you look amazing in a dress." She whistled. "But I can''t run in heels and a dress!" I fake whined. Kate rolled her eyes. Then we both laughed. "You need to get out there and dance! You've sat here the whole time." She tsked me. I waved off her complaint. "I will when I feel like it." Then I put my hand against her cheek. "Go dance with Shepley. I think he wants to hold her again. He's starting to get twitchy." I told her. She laughed and nodded. "I have a favor to ask you." She hesitated. Shepley came up beside her. "It's your wedding. Of course. Just tell me what to do." I regretted it as soon as the words were out of my mouth. Kate jumped up and grinned. "Great!" She grabbed my hand and started pulling me towards the middle of the beach. "Wait. What are you-" I began. Kate jerked my arm and I started jogging in my heels. "Shut up and do what I say." She told me. Then she pulled me up on the stage Shepley had bought for the Dj. Kate walked up to the microphone. "Can I have everyone's attention please? Thank you." She smiled. I licked my lips. What was she doing? "Kate, I don't think-" Her head swiveled in my direction and she glared at me. I put my hands up in an innocent guesture and backed away. She pointed to the ground next to her, signaling to stand there. "I have a song I wanted my friend to sing for me since I didn't have it on my Ipod. Everyone just be quiet. Tj," She adressed me. "I'll tell you the song and then you sing it for me. I already have the drummer and guitarists so don't worry about that." She adressed the crowd. "I asked her to do this for me. It was a big favor. She has a little case of stage fright." A little case? I was goddamn shaking. I shook my head slightly. Everyone gathered around the stage, but left a circle for Kate and Shepley to dance in front of it. "Here we go." She stepped from the mic and held her arms out, signaling me to step up. She leaned into my ear. "Beautiful Mess by Diamond Rio." I didn't even bother to whisper. "Can't I sing something else?" I pleaded with my eyes. She shook her head. "You owe me. Remember that one time when you were drunk off your ass and I took you home after you got into a fight at the bar and you were almost arrested? Yeah. Now start singing." She jumped off of the stage and landed in Shepley's arms. "I can't believe you brought that up." I said into the mic. She yelled up at me. "I have my ways to get what I want. Now sing!" I sighed, then motioned for the band to start. "Going outta my mind these days, feel like I'm walking around in a haze..." I started singing, the words rolling off of my tongue with ease. I looked at the crowd. "What a beautiful mess, what a beautiful mess I'm in. Spending all my time with you, there's nothing else I'd rather do." Some jaws had dropped, and others just stared with surprised expressions. The guitarists, whom I remembered as Jack and Marcus, joined in at some points singing at different pitches. I finished the song and to my surprise, everyone cheered. I grinned. "Thank you." Kate jumped up onto the stage. "Do you think you can sing one more song?" She asked. Everyone cheered. Kate nodded. "I think you can. This one is my mother's favorite song. She's right there." She pointed an a woman waved back. "It's called A Broken Wing by Martina McBride. Now, the thing with this song is the last note is really, really long. You guys thing Tj here can hold it?" She yelled into the mic. "Now that's insulting! I can hold that easily!" I gaped at her. "Then do it." She jumped back down and this time, her mother was dancing with a man, probably Kate's father. I nodded at the men behind me and they started. "And with a broken wing, she still sings. She keeps an eye on the sky! With a broken wing, she carries her dreams. Man, you oughta see her fly!" I sang. When the long note came up, I took a deep breath. I succeeded perfectly and I heard gasps in the crowd. I cocked my head. "I told you I could. Now I'm done. I say I get more wine... on the house." I looked down at Kate. It had cost a good 1.50 a glass. I jumped off of the stage and  sat down as Kate brought me another drink. Taking another sip of wine, I looked around. Shepley had rented out a whole beach on the California coast. Some guests were swimming, some were eating and dancing and I was sitting alone, drinking. I was the life of the party, I thought to myself. Then I was plunged into shadows as someone blocked my sunlight. "Excuse me." I started, but didn't finish. In front of me stood the most gorgeous man I had ever seen. He had bright blue eyes that looked like a deep ocean. His light brown hair practically glowed in the sun. He was wearing black dress pants and a thin white button up shirt. He looked like a God! As I took in his appearance, I realized he had spoken. "I'm sorry. What?" I asked. He smiled and licked his lips, pulling my attention to them. His lips were perfect, made for kissing. His teeth were white as snow and straight. Things like that caught my attention. "I asked if you would like to dance?" His voice was like silk dipped in honey. For once in my life, I could barely speak. "You want to dance with me?" I asked, not believing him. I waited for cameras to come out and someone to shout "You've been punk'd!" But nothing happened. "Yeah, I would like to dance with you." He said and his smile got even wider. He held out a hand. Dance with the hot God? Um, yes please and thank you. "Um, yeah. Sure." I set my wine glass down and slid my hand into his. I felt a jolt as soon as our hands touched. I ignored it and followed him to the area Kate had roped off from the rest of the beach. He pulled me close to him, his hands landing on my hips as mine found his shoulders. "So what's your name?" I asked, finally finding enough of my wits to form a question. "Nikolai Johnson. Yours?" He raised an eyebrow. "Jetta. Taylor Jetta." I said. "But Kate calls me Tj. She has ever since we were six." I laughed quietly. "She used to be so girly." Nikolai chuckled, the sound low and teasing. I liked it. "Do you take dance classes?" He asked. I hoped he meant that in a good way. I shook my head. "I dance with Kate at my place though." Frequently, too. Then we play Xbox. "You are amazing. Not once have you stumbled." He said. For some reason, the compliment made me feel good. "Thank you." All of a sudden, Nikolai spun me in a circle nad then he dipped me. He bent down close to my face. We stayed there for a moment, as if the world had frozen. Then I giggled. "That was fun." I whispered. He grinned, and then lifted me again, placing his hands back on my hips. "So I ws thinking we could have dinner sometime. Maybe tomorrow night?" He asked hesitantly, as if I was going to reject him. "That sounds wonderful." I told him. He exhaled and smiled. "Really?" I nodded, maybe a little too enthusiastically. "Your voice is amazing. Have you considered using it? Like in a band?" He asked. "I had a band with my cousin and some of his friends but we never got anywhere so I quit. I've always wanted to actually go out and join a band that had concerts, but I have terrible stagefright. I was shaking so bad up there..." Someone cleared their throat right next to me. I looked over. Sam was standing behind me. "Get your hands off of my girl." He said threateningly. Nikolai tensed, but didn't move. He opened his mouth to say something back. I spoke before he could. "Sam, I don't belong to you. I never have and I never will. Now leave before you get hurt." Anger flashed through his eyes and across his face. "You little bit-" He started. I snapped. Before he could finished, my fist and someone else's connected with his face. Sam fell back on the ground and he didn't get back up. I looked over to find Kate rubbing her knuckles. "You okay?" I asked. She nodded. "I got hurt worse during our fights. I thought I could stop him before he got to you. I see you've met Nikolai." She smiled, then leaned closer so only I could hear her."I invited him thinking of you." She straightened up and winked. "I love you so much right now." I told her. "I always got your back, Tj." She patted my head as I grabbed Nikolai's hand. He was gaping at me. "You hit that man." He stammered. I nodded. "Yes, I did. It's a good thing I stopped too. Now about that dinner..." I didn't know if he would want to go with me after that outburst of anger. He interrupted before I could finish. I was thinking we could go to Le Olive. Sound good?" He asked hopefully. I smiled. "Amazing." I felt his shoulders relax under my fingers. And then a thought came up. "Are you married?" I asked. He looked shocked. "I should hope not. I just asked you to dinner." He laughed. I raised my eyebrows. "You don't have a girlfriend? I'm just putting this out there, but you are too sexy to be single." He laughed. But I was serious. There was just no way. "Nope. I'm as single as... I'll think of something smart and witty later, I swear. But same goes for you. Alone at a wedding, looking all sad. What was wrong?" He asked, and I heard real concern behind his words. I thought for a second. "I was thinking about something I shouldn't have been thinking about." I simply said. Nikolai accepted that. We spent the rest of the day dancing and talking. When I noticed it was getting dark, I checked the time. It was almost midnight. We had to leave the beach finally. "I'm so sorry! I'll make it up to you! I just don't have room in my car to take you back." Kate repeated for the fourth time. I waved her off. "It's fine. Just go. I can walk." She frowned, then left. I turned to the entrance gate and started walking. I got about thirty feet and a sleek black Ferrari pulled up next to me. I tensed, prepared to fight at any second. The window rolled down. "Need a ride, sweet thing?" Nikolai asked with a brow raised. I smiled. "Thanks." I opened the door and slid in. "Since we're going out tomorrow, do you just wanna stay with me? Maybe?" He asked. I glanced over at him. "I would, but I didn't bring a second outfit because I planned on going home. And I have to take a shower and do all of that fun stuff." I shrugged. "I can stop by your place and you can get everything you need." He suggested. I laughed. "You're trying, aren't you?"  He nodded. "Fine. Turn right.... here." I said. I gave him the directions and we arrived in less than five minutes. Nikolai whistled at the car. "Is that yours?" I nodded. "'57 Ford Thunderbird. I have it in mint condition. 312 engine with dual Holley carburetors." I said. I didn't know much about cars, but I knew this one. "That is nice." I laughed and got out of the car. Nikolai followed. Then I realized I forgot my keys in Kate's car. "Shit. Alright, hope I didn't lock the door." I said over my shoulder. I turned the knob. I threw my head back in relief. The door swung wide open. I walked in, signaling Nikolai to follow. I walked to my living room and saw someone sitting on the couch. "What the hell, Simon? Where were you?" I immediately recognized him. He turned with a shocked expression on his face. "I-I-I was at Tara's house. Why?" He stammered. I put my hand on my face and sighed. "Because Kate's wedding was today." That made him jump up. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry! I'll make it up to you, hon. I can make dinner. Have you eaten yet?" Simon asked. Then Nikolai walked into the living room. "Who is he?" Simon asked, eyeing Nikolai. "Eyes off, cupcake." I told him. Simon blushed. I turned to Nikolai. "Do you want to have dinner here tonight? Go sit in the kitchen while Simon cooks. He could use the company." He nodded and then followed Simon. I watched him walk away. God, he looked great from behind. Simon started babbling like he always did when he was nervous. I laughed quietly to myself then went upstairs. I grabbed my pull tie bag and carefully put a dress and black heels in. It was a strapless dress with lacy edges on it. It fit perfectly. I put shaving cream, a razor, shampoo, my cinnamon body wash, a little bit of makeup and some nail polish in the bag. I stripped of the bridesmaid dress and put on a pair of sweat pants with a white spaghetti strap tank top. I slung the bag straps over my shoulders and made my way downstairs. Before I walked into the kitchen, though, I heard Simon mention my name. I froze and listened. "...I hated watching her come home the way she did. Blood coming from her nose, black eye. It pained me because she wouldn't let me help her." I felt my breath catch in my throat. I walked in and spoke. I didn't want to talk about it, but they already started so hey, why not? "I got tired of it after a while and I snapped." I said as I plopped down on the stool beside Nikolai's. "He swung, but my reflexes got the better of me. I didn't want to fight back because I didn't want to lose him. I just imagined he was Kate or one of my cousins and..." I sighed. "It ended up with me almost arrested. I had beaten him literally within an inch of his life." I stopped talking when my voice started shaking. "She was scarred after that. She flinches if anyone touches her. She still does it to me so I have to move slowly. It hurts me when she does it, but I know she can't help it." He shrugged as he took something out of the oven. "I thought we were having dinner." I said, eyeing the brownies that had been placed on the island in the middle of the kitchen. "You like my brownies." Simon made a fake hurt expression. "I don't like them. I love them. And if I eat them, I'm gonna get fat." I cut out a big square brownie even as I said those words. Nikolai watched me with a brow raised. I blushed and then slid it to him. I folded my hands and put them in my lap, trying not to laugh at myself. "Here." Nikolai said. I looked up to find him holding a bite on his fork for me. I looked at him. "Go on." He urged. I didn't need him to tell me again. I leaned forward a little and took the bite. I threw my head back and moaned. "Oh my god, these are so good." I told Simon. Now it was his turn to blush. I looked over at Nikolai. His pupils had dilated drastically and he was watching me. "What?" I asked, suddenly really self conscious. He shook his head then he took a bit of the huge brownie on his plate. "Where did you learn to cook, Simon? Can I take him home with me?" He took another bite and then he held one out for me. "I'm sure Simon would like that." I half joked, because in truth, he probably would. Simon was gay. He didn't really try to hide it but some people just don't realize it. "Taylor! Shut up and eat your... uh his, brownie!" Simon failed to sound threathening. "Yes sir." I saluted. "You almost sounded like my Drill Instructor for a second." I told him. Simon shook his head. "She probably had more authority in her voice than me. I'm just good for making brownies." He shrugged. Nikolai cocked his head. "You had a Drill Instructor?" I nodded. "I went to the Marine Corps. for a while. My outfit is hanging up on my wall in my room, actually." Simon cleared his throat. "No it's not. I took it down when I was cleaning, sorry." I shrugged. "Don't apologize. I hate that." He immediately looked down at the brownies so he didn't apologize again. "Can you put some of those in a baggie? I want some for later." Simon nodded and got a bag. After he put all of the brownies he could fit in the bag, I told him I had to leave. "Don't leave me alone! You know I get lonely." He whined playfully. I kissed his cheek. "I'll be back tomorrow night or the day after. I'll be fine. Don't do anything I wouldn't do." I stopped and thought for a moment. "Hold on, take that back. Don't get into any trouble. Yeah, that sounds better." I led Nikolai out of the door. "I love you, cupcake." I called as I got into the car. "Love you, hon." He waved and then went inside to do what ever he did when I wasn't home. Like jack off. I started laughing, hard. I couldn't breath and I almost doubled over. I felt a tear run down my cheek and I wiped it away while I tried to catch my breath. "What are you laughing about?" Nikolai asked. I stopped laughing enough to answer. "Dirty thoughts." I licked my lips and then bit my lower one trying not to laugh again. He raised an eyebrow, but didn't question it. "Simon's gay." He said after a moment. I nodded then giggled again. "That's kind of what I was laughing about. I think he likes you." I said sarcastically. I mean, as if it wasn't obvious. I turned on the radio and flipped through the stations, trying to find a certain one. "Ah ha!" I said as Every Rose Has Its Thorn by Poison started playing. My fingers mimicked the electric guitar's chords. I wish I had brought my guitar. "You play?" Nikolai asked, watching my fingers. I nodded. "A little.I had to learn because most of the time, Parker didn't show up for rehearsal. I ended up filling his place. I have an electric guitar at home." I felt a tear run down my cheek. I reached up and wiped it away. "What the hell?" I said, looking at my wet fingers. I wiped my hand and changed the station. Cleaning Out My Closet by Eminem started playing. I hummed along while Nikolai rapped quietly. I turned it down and concentrated on him. "Something wrong?" He asked. I shook my head. "Just listening to you." He smiled, then continued. A minute later, we pulled into his driveway. "Nice place." I said. And it was. It had three stories. Nikolai led me up to the door and unlocked it. He stepped to the side so I could go in first. "Holy shit." I murmured. The carpet was white and it looked really soft. His couch was white velvet and he had a huge TV. Along with an Xbox! I threw my fist in the air and practically flung myself on the floor. "I was right." I melted against the carpet before I crawled towards the Xbox. "About what?" He asked, watching me with a smile. "That the carpet was soft. Oh!" I gasped. "You have Skyrim! Now I wish I'd brought my hard drive with me..." I trailed off as I looked at the other games. Nikolai sat on the couch and waited. I put the games back. "Sorry." I said as I sat on the couch. "For?" I shrugged. "I don't know." He raised an eyebrow and then he dove towards the games. "Wanna play Call of Duty?" He asked hesitantly. I threw my head back and groaned. "Now you're just messing with me. I won't have all of my guns since I don't have my profile. But yes, I want to play." I told him. He handed me a remote and he sat down on the couch. "I can't sit on the couch when I play." I said as I slid down. He started the game and while it was loading, I moved. I scooted over a bit, hesitated, then sat between his feet. I was tense for a moment, then I relaxed when I realized he wasn't going to hurt me. We played for a good hour or two and then I found myself leaning against Nikolai's leg. I straightened up and focused on the game. I was winning by two points when we decided to stop. "Your floor is comfortable." I told him out of the blue. He chuckled. I yawned and put my head on his knee. "Do you want to go to bed?" He asked. "No." I shook my head, yawning again. "You sure?" I nodded. He put a movie in and we watched about half of it before I felt myself falling asleep. I opened my eyes and blinked. We were almost at the end of the movie. And then I was asleep. I dreamed about the night I had been drinking with Kate. I had gotten into a fight with some dude that just moved to town. He took my shot of whiskey so I shoved him out of his stool. He slammed my head into the counter. I kicked his nuts, slammed my knee in his face and picked up a chair. Before I could hit him with it though, Kate took it from me. I felt myself moving so I opened my eyes. "She took the chair from me." I sleepily told Nikolai as he carried me to the bed. He set me down and raised a brow. "Who and why?" He asked quietly. "Kate. She took it before I could hit the guy." He laughed and it barely registered to me that he had stripped down to his boxers. He crawled into bed next to me and I started thinking about my ex, Hunter. He was the one Simon was talking about in the kitchen. I felt a tear escape my eye. I put my arm around Nikolai and laid my head on his chest. "Don't let Hunter get me." I whispered against his torso. He slowly, ever so slowly, put his arm around me and pulled me into him. "I won't, sweetheart." And then my eyes drifted shut as I fell asleep.

More is coming soon! If you like it, please comment and tell me. If you don't like it, comment and tell me so I can change it! Thank you!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2013 ⏰

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