People don't notice as much as you think they do. They only see what they want to. No one will say anything is wrong unless you do or it is against your benefit. They want you to put up a front and laugh and pretend to be happy....and..and sometimes it works. Sometimes you can forget all the hurt and pain and regret and focus on the "happiness". Happiness is artificial. It isn't real. You may be able to feel a glimpse of it but it never lasts. It also always has a price. Happiness is like a drug. After its gone, the aftermath is ten times worse than what you were before. One of my "best friends" told me I wasn't happy because I wasn't trying. That is not true. You can try but that does not mean you'll succeed. I can you achieve something that doesn't exist..? I don't understand why that's everyone's goal. People lie and cheat and break each other so much and then expect everyone to okay all the god damn time.