Prompt 1

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Prompt 1: "Write a description of your MC through a minor character as they travel between cities"

Jacob was hot, he glanced up and glared at the cloudless sky wishing that it would rain. He didn't care if it slowed them down, he just wanted it to rain! The giant warhorse under him seemed to agree as it began to breathe hard under the weight of Jacob and his armor.

"You ok back here?" came a voice

Jumping Jacob turned to the left and glared at the silent smoky horse that had somehow clambered up next to him. Or more importantly he glared at the hooded figure sitting on the horse. The hooded figure gave no sign of gender, or age, in fact he found that it was hard to look at the figure directly. A bow was visible just over the shoulder of the person and even though the person seemed relaxed and at ease, Jacob knew that they could send an arrow flying before he even realized there was any danger there.

"Trix why do you always sneak up on me!" he asked

A small, feminine giggle erupted out of the hood, and a leather covered hand pushed the hood back to reveal the soft features of a woman's face. Her purple eyes held nothing but mirth and curiosity, her long white hair was tied in what looked to be a knot at the back of her head, but he was sure was a lot of little braids.

"What," she asked, "why are you looking at me like that?"

"How are you not dying of heat?" he deadpanned

"Oh the coat." She motioned to the big black coat that billowed around her. He didn't understand how a winter looking jacket could stop her from overheating. But when it came to Scouts the fewer questions asked, the better.

"Can we stop soon? Thunder and I need a rest." He asked


Jacob followed Trix off the road until they came to a small river. Trusting Thunder, Jacob practically fell off the horse and ran to the water, dunking his head into the cool water, and let his horse find the water himself.

"This is why I said light armor Jacob." Trix said sarcastically.

"This is light armor Trix. Why I even needed to come with you is what I'm asking myself. I mean you're a Scout!"

"What does that have to do with anything?" Trix mumbled

"Trix, this isn't a proper Scout mission is it?" Jacob looked at the girl as she filled her canteen, and looked anywhere but him, "You may be a Scout but I've known you you're entire life Trix, I know your ticks."

He saw her bite her lip and then slowly she tilted her head and raised her right shoulder till they touched. Damn, if this wasn't a legitimate mission I could get into trouble. Jacob thought as fear crept into his mind.

"Trix if this wasn't a real job than why the hell did you bring me!" he smacked the water in anger

"Jacob, I know it was stupid ok, if this goes wrong we could both get into serious trouble," he saw her hand clench the pendent that he knew she never took off, "but I need this ok."

"You could have done this alone," he pointed an accusing finger at her and then he marched through the woods looking for Thunder, who'd found his way back to the road.

"Jake wait!" he froze at the nickname, "I know ok, I know I'm asking a lot of you. I know that if this goes south then you run the possibility of being stripped of rank and exiled or worse, executed. The same thing could happen to me only, only Scouts don't exile."

"What?" he turned to look at his friend

"Scouts don't exile, the risk of treason is too high, if we get caught there is nothing I can look forward to except a firing squad of men I call family. Please Jake." She looked up at him with big, watery purple eyes, and he crumbled. He might be a high ranking knight that could stare down any enemy but faced with a five foot two purple-eyed girl, he considered his family, and he crumbled.

"Tell me why you brought me."

Again she bit her lip, "Because I'm trying to find my father. I don't know what I'm going to find and just in case I need someone who can keep my bow in check."

"Where are we going?"

She pointed up the road and into the sky, no she was pointing the mountains, "Nythsera, the elves."

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