Chapter 10

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Ugh! I don't know who the new Dark Lord is. I dont know who can it be.

I went in bed and I fell a sleep.

"Claree,Claree!,Clareee!!" A creepy voice was saying.

I woke up and i was so scared.

"Clare are you alright?" asked Tom.

"I heard someone calling my name." i said.

"it was just a bad dream." Said Tom.

"Yeah, maybe you are right. I am just going to go to freshen up.'' I said.

i went to the bathroom and I started hearing that creepy voice again.

"Clareee! Clare! Clareeee, join me!! Clareee!!!!!" Said the creepy voice.

I saw a face in the mirror and I took my want and I used a spell and I destroyed the mirror.

"Clare what happened?"asked Tom.

"I heard that voice again, and I saw his face in the mirror." I said and I was crying.

"So who was that?" Asked Tom.

"It's the new dark lord, but i don't know who he is. His face was blurry." I said.

"So we don't know who the new Dark Lord is." Said Tom.

"Yeah, maybe. I'm not sure. His voice and his face are very familiar to me." I said.

"So we know him. We just have to find out who he really is." Said Tom.


"Hm, Clare. Maybe I know who he is." Said Alice.

"Great...So who do you think that he is?" I said.

"Well, I Ben." Said Alice.

"No, that can't be him." I said.

"...Hm...How about Mark...That could be him." Said Alice.

"No, Mark doesn't have a voice like that." I said.

"Then I don't know who can it be." said Alice.

"Well he sounds like Chris, but he doesn't look like him, so it's not him." I said.

"Well, it couldn't be Chris, he's dead...How about Kevin." Said Tom.

"Nope." I said.

We spent the whole day trying to figure out who the new Dark Lord is, but we didn't have any luck. Oh well.

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