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Time was slowly passing, and so was the plane that the short Irishman was on. "How much longer... My god" he grumbled, checking his watch. Easy thing to do would be stroll through the comments on his latest video, right?
And so he did.

Hours pass as jack slowly tires, and falls into a deep slumber. "Ngh... mph what" jack whined groggily. He woke, looking up at the air attendant telling him that the flight was over. "Thanks" was all she got for a reply as he packed up his book, phone and ticket and grabbed his bags. He walked down the path behind every other passenger.

He exited, only to be greated by an over excited friend. "Hi jack!!!" Mark grinned, and helped him with his luggage. "Oh, have you heard about the end of the world?" Mark chuckled. He chucked the last piece of luggage into the boot of the car and stepped inside the car, jack following pursuit on the other side. "Nope" jack replied, shutting the car door and buckling in.

The short ride was quiet, aside from the short conversations. You could probably swim in how thick the silence was. "Welp, we are here" mark smiled, turned off the ignition and got out of the car. "Hasn't changed much" jack giggled, grabbing some of his luggage and dragging it upstairs. "Yeah, haven't bothered changing much. I like it just how it is. Oh, this way to your room" mark ushered jack up the stairs, down a hallway to the very end room. The guest room had a king sized bed with brown covers and pillows. The walls a light-ish brown/cream colour with the white frames of the Windows showing the view of below.

"Thank ya, mark" jack gave a crooked smile and finished unpacking. "People are thinking the end of the world is going to be like the end of... That 3 part episode thing of, what was it, gravity falls or something?" "Oh really? An insane triangle demon taking over the world... Interesting" jack raised a brow, laughing quietly. "How strange" mark muttered.

Finally lunch time, mark took jack to his favourite pizza place. The best Pizza Hut around. They ordered their food and sat in the park. "It's weird here... I don't think I'll ever get used to the sunshine" mark laughed in response. "You'll have too" comforting silence surrounded them, as the basked in the sun and ate their lunch. "Want to go start recording?" Mark asked, as he helped jack up. "Yeah!! First let's clean up our rubbish" he grinned, picking up the pizza boxes as mark picked up wrappers. Fortunately there was a bin nearby. "HOME WE GO!!" Shouted mark as he ran for the car. "Wait up!" Jack was just behind, if it wasn't for the jeans he was wearing.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2016 ⏰

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