Alphas Claim Private Chapters

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Once those words left my mouth, Landyn spun us around and laid me on the bed. His hands running down my body.

"So soft," he murmurs. His fingers hook around the band of my underwear and I quickly grab his hands. I was scared. He grasps my knuckles and kisses them. "I've got you, Lee. I'm going to take care of you."

I swallow and nod. He sits me up and unhooks my bra, throwing it across the room. His rough fingers slowly run down the swell of my breasts but his eyes are on my face.

"You're beautiful, LeeAna."

A hand guides me to lay on the bed again. My heart was beating fast, and my breathing labored. I was so nervous. For some weird reason I wanted Landyn. He was my mate, so it was only normal, right? Its just the bond.

I shiver when Lan slowly pulls my underwear down my legs. His fingers leaving a burning trail. Once they were off, he climbs off the bed and just looks at me. His lustful stare causes a blush to creep up my skin and I go to cover myself.

Before I can move back. he grabs my foot and pulls me closer to him.

"Don't," Lan says softly. "Don't hide from me, please." I don't reply and just relax my body against the tingles going through my whole body.

Lan pulled my lower body to the end of the bed. His strong hands picking up my right foot and kissing my ankle, then my knee, then my inner thigh. His hot breath was making me feel something I've never experienced before.

"Wait, Lan-" He took one long lick of my slit. I gasped and grabbed his hair, liking the new sensation. His tongues was working magic, flicking and sucking my bundle of nerves. My hand was holding his hair so tight, I think I was hurting him. I didn't care though.

His tongue moved down and paid attention to my entrance. My hips moved on their own accord as they pushed towards his face.

Then he added a finger and I froze. It was a little painful considering Landyn had thick, long fingers. I think he felt my muscles clamp up because he started rubbing my thigh with his left hand, while his mouth and right hand worked their magic.

When I felt something building in my lower abdomen, Landyn hooked his finger inside me and sucked my clit... hard. That was my undoing

"Landyn," I cry out as my muscles clamp on his finger. Tingles and small spasms rocking through me. Landyn doesn't stop though, having to keep my hips in place when the pleasure becomes too much.

Finally, when my climax dies down, I stare at the ceiling and place a hand over my racing heart. That was... crazy. I've never had an orgasm and that was a good first. Geez.

Landyn gives one last kiss to my clit causing a shiver to run through me. His eyes are almost black as he hastily takes his jeans and boxers off.

I knew how big Landyn was. But right now it was freakin me out. Before I can move back he's on top of me, kissing my neck and jaw.

"I love you with everything in me, baby.
His eyes stare into mine. My hand reaches up and cups his cheek.

"What are you doing to me," I whisper, more to myself. Maybe I was weak but having a mate was a soft spot. Landyn was my soft spot.

"I'm making love to you, Lee."

His arm hooks under my knee, bringing it up towards my chest.

"Wait. We need protection."

He leans back and frowns at me. "No, we don't. You're my mate, Lee. You'll bear my pups and sooner is better than later, so no we don't need it."

I inhale sharply as he pushes into me.

I put a hand on his bicep to stop him. "That hurts."

"I'm going to just rip the band aid off, okay? Then we go slow." He kisses my cheek and jaw. My hands on his shoulder blades.


And he slams home. I scream out in pain and try to push him away but he has a strong hold on me. A tear slips from my eye. I felt stretched and full.

"I'm sorry," he whispers and kisses my lips. "Tell me when you're ready, baby."

His hand reached down and circled my clit, slowly. That helped. Oh, that helped a lot.

After a moment, I reach up and peck his lips, telling him in ready. Lan nods and slowly pulls out before pushing back in. It hurt but not as much.

"Shit, Lee," Lan rasps. "You're so tight, baby."

He keeps up the slow pace until I'm comfortable. Then he picks it up. My nails dig into his back as he reached between us and massages my clit.

I press my forehead to his shoulder when that familiar feeling grows in my abdomen.

"Ah," I cry and cling to him for dear life. Now, he was pounding into me. Both of us slick with sweat and panting.

His cheek against mine as I felt his hot breath on my neck. I knew he was close, just like me.

I bite his shoulder as my climax rocks through me and he groans loudly as his hits also. I felt his warmth fill me, completely. Geez.

Both of us stay in that position, breathing heavily. He leans back and places little kisses all over my face.

"I love you, I love you," he repeats and I laugh.

Just when I think he's going to get off me, he pushes back in.

I whimper at the tenderness and look at him with surprise. "Again?"

He smirks. "We're just getting started, baby."


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2016 ⏰

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