All The Little Things

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Chapter 1

It has been 3 years since Hailey and I moved to London so she could be closer to her boyfriend, Harry. I, on the other hand, is single. She was always on me about being so busy with sports and that I need to go out and meet people. She also was trying to get me to meet the boys so she could hook me up with Niall. But whenever she'd invite the boys over, I'd go for a long run or go into our pool and do laps so I didn't have to meet them.

I wasn't exactly ready for a relationship yet. Not after what happened with Kaleb. Whenever I think about it I just get so mad. He beat me and treated me like shit. And he would say he loved me (i never told him it back) but go sleep with another girl. I was just under so much of a trance, I never noticed it I guess. I just wasn't emotionally ready, but I sure am physically. I longed for the warm embrace of a man, the cuddling up to his chest, all of it.

Hailey and Harry are going to have been together for 3 years now. Harry kept Hailey on her toes for sure. Their relationship was something everyone dies to have. A couple days ago he was all like "I'm taking you somewhere special for our 3 year anniversary" with his famous cheeky grin and left it at that. Didn't tell for how long or where, just that he was taking her somewhere. I was totally happy that Hailey is in love.

We are in VS and she finally says quietly "Harry told me where we are going.." I look at her shocked. She smiles and says "He's taking me to Paris!" I completely flip out in the middle of the store jumping up and down yelling "You're going to Paris! You're going to Paris!" Hailey laughs and says "I can't believe that Harry and I have been together for 3 years and now he's taking me to Paris. The city of love." We've both only dreamed of going to Paris with a perfect boyfriend. All of that cheesy, lovey dovey stuff.

We paid for our stuff and got asked for pictures and autographs on our way out since we were both known worldwide. Hailey had gone on a world tour for her singing career and was also known for being Harry's girlfriend. I was known for being in the Summer Olympics of 2016 and winning a gold in swimming.

She says over to me while the both of us were signing a picture of ourselves, "Promise me when I'm gone that you will go to a bar and let a guy pick you up." I sighed and shook my head. "Maybe. I'll think-" I stop to smile for a picture, and then continue. "About it. You know I'll have to be drunk." Hailey laughs and says "Good. And make sure you don't spill your life story. You tend to do that when you're starting to get drunk."

I look down at my feet that were becoming more interesting as we continued to talk, and mumbled "I can't help it. I hold it all in." Hailey says "I know it hurts but you need to let it go and move on. He built you up and then tore you down. I know you're stronger than this. You gotta let somebody into your life besides me."

I knew she's right. I always push people away and never give them a chance. "It's hard opening up to people again. They don't have that same feeling that I can trust."

"Nicole, you need to at least hook up. I can hook you up with Niall. He's dying to meet you but you always go in workout mode on everybody when they come around." I sighed and said "I know. It's just hard. I can't trust anybody but you. My parents abandoned me and turned up dead a couple weeks later! Nobody wants a wreak like me.."

We walk out to the car and put the bags in the back of her car she says "Niall does. He literally sits at the window watching you do laps in the pool wondering if you'll ever stop and come out. So much to the point where the boys started to get worried about him." I look at her and she is dead serious. I wasn't one to believe that guys liked me. I was just like every other girl. I have insecurities and need somebody to lift me off my feet and prove me wrong.

She continues her rant "He wants to meet you. He wants you to feel like you're not in this fight alone, Nicole." I say trying to make up and excuse "But I'm not ready for a relationship yet and you know that!" Hailey says "Neither is he. He at least goes out and meets new people!" I glare at he are she continues "He doesn't look for a relationship. He just goes out and meets new people and if it clicks then he looks into having a relationship. He hasn't been in a relationship in 5 or 6 years because nobody ever clicks for him. Maybe you should try it."

I think it over. She does have a point. I've always been a shy person from the start but I sorta had to let that go when I went to the Olympic Trials. I say "Well it's easy for him! He has girls from all over crawling all over him in these scampy little dresses. That's what most guys want." Hailey argues back "You don't think that guys aren't all over you? They get to see you on tv with these tiny tight swimsuits. I think that would get them going." I then said "He's in One Direction!" And she says "and you're on the national team and was in Olympics!" She had a good point and I already knew that I am going to lose this argument.

I give up and say "Fine. I'll meet him." Hailey then grin and says "Good. And absolutely no backing out." I nod me head yes and then she says "Oh and Harry and I leave for Paris in two days." I say "Okay so on Friday. Oh and I'm taking you out to a bar to celebrate!" she laughs and we drop our stuff off at our house and head off to our favorite bar.

When we got in, a bunch of guys are all over us. Most of them came and hit on me cause they probably knew that Hailey was Harry's girl. We had a lot of fun and drank a lot. So much that we had to call Harry to come pick us up. Hailey completely fell asleep as I went into a hazy sleep. I felt the car come to a stop and turn off.

The door opened and a gust of cool wind came in. Somebody picked me up but it wasn't Harry. I could tell because he didn't have that same feeling and scent. I wasn't awake enough to open my eyes to see who it was, I just curled up to his chest. He took me up to me room, tucked me in, and gave me a kiss on the forehead. He walked out and closed the door behind him. I quietly heard Harry say "Thanks man."

The last thought on my mind before completely falling asleep is 'who is this mystery man?'


A/N: This is my first time posting on here so let me know what you guys thinks of it. I did a Niall Fan Fiction because there just really aren't many good ones out there. So I hope you guys liked it. I will try to post as often as I can!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2016 ⏰

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