Sweet Music

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Brielle POV

*ring ring*


* ring ring*

Make. It. Stop

*ring ring*

"Holy fuck, what?!" I screamed into my phone not bothering to check caller id.

"Always a pleasure to hear your sweet voice Bri." I heard Josh, my bestfriend, say from the other line.

"Yeah, yeah. What do you want? Oh and you woke me up by the way!" I said already getting annoyed.

"Girl it's 4 in the afternoon why tf are you asleep in the first place. And you need to meet me at Cass so we can practice our duet for the spring recital."

I lazily got up from the sweet comfort of my bed.

I quickly changed since I was still in my uniform from school earlier. I threw on a pair of jeans and a white v neck.

Then I was on my way. He better be lucky that I love to sing or I would still be knocked the fuck out. And I got to go to Cass too that shit is too far and my ex go to that school. Yay

I was there ten minutes later.

We practiced here before so I knew to go to the music room cause that's where he usually is waiting for me.

I had to walk through the crowds of people in the hallways. Like niggas do you not know that school ended 2 hours ago?!

I finally made it to the music room.

"Hey Josh." I said as I out my stuff down and sat next to him on the piano bench.

"Hey Bri, let's start."

And then we started making sweet music.

Dario POV

I sat on the bleachers of the school with Zay as he told me about some girl him and Josh were tryna get at. Honestly I wasn't paying no attention, I seriously just wanted to leave and go home. I had late night dance practice with Prodijee and I didn't get enough sleep.

And plus Zay was starting to really annoy me.

"Hey bro I'm bout to find Josh, he owe me money and I'm hungry as fuck." I lied to Zay in order to get out of there.

I made my way to the music room, ignoring all the girls trying to get my attention. I usually acknowledge them but today is not the day.

When I finally made it I saw Josh singing and playing the piano. There was a girl sitting next to him.

I quietly stepped into the room trying not to interrupt them.

I sat down patiently as I listened to Josh sing.

I once believed that hearts were meant to bleed

And now I'm not afraid to say I need you

I need you so stay.

A new voiced sang came in and sang so beautifully. I looked at the girl once again, I can't see her face or anything cause there turned away from me. I don't think I recognize her voice or anything so she probably doesn't go here.

Through the rest of the song I was drawned in by her voice. Once they ended I was in a daze.

"Dario." I heard Josh voice say as I snapped out of my daze. He was staring at me weirdly until he asked what I was doing here.

"I had to get away from Zay. He was talking my ear off." I chuckled nervously cause I felt the girls eyes on me too. I glance over to her and she immediately looks away.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Mar 05, 2016 ⏰

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