Chapter 1

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Mikaela was just sitting in the train on her way to Hargeon. She always wanted to join Fairy Tail and after she escaped from her father,she ran away to go pursue one of her life goals, to join a guild and become a stronger mage than she is, she was a crystal dragon slayer but after Sequince left she was adopted by a rich man and his wife, the wife was sweet and caring, the husband was a bit power hungry and very rude in her opinion. She was raised with everything her heart desired, but still she felt incomplete. Her heart was telling her to join a guild, specifically Fairy Tail, so she snuck out one night and never looked back.Now here she is wearing a cloak and staring outside, the conductor announced the arrival in Hargeon will be in 10 minutes. She held her bags tigher, hoping everything goes well.

10 minutes later 

The train stopped and everyone walked out but she had a bit of trouble with her bags " Hello, need help? " a kind femenine voice said, she looked up to meet a blonde girl with gorgeous brown eyes wearing a revealing white and blue top, a short blue skirt and brown boots " O-oh yes, thank you " together the both of them lifted her biggest bag and they walked out of the train " Thank you. My name is Mikaela, Mika for short " You're welcome. Nice to meet you Mika, I'm Lucy " they shook hands and started walking together " So what are you doing here? " Just stopping by to restock on supplies before I head out again " So this is your first time here? " Yeah, it looks like a nice place but I'm looking for a guild to join " Me too. Hey if we're still together, wanna join the same guild?" Sure! That'd be amazing " we walked by a magic shop and Lucy turned around " A shop! maybe I can get gate keys here " You're a celestial wizard? " Yup, I have three golden keys and 12 silver ones, the golden ones are very rare to get " I see, but then if they're so rare why are you going in the shop?" Oh, it's because you can buy silver ones in shops, I always wanted a little doggy " Sounds neat, maybe I can buy something in there too " they went inside to check out the shop.

*Meanwhile with a certain Fire Breather*

" I'm never boarding one of these things again " said a salmon colored hair boy " That's what you always say, aye " said an adorable blue cat, then the whistle blew signaling the train is leaving again " Happy, Heeelp meeeeeeeeeeee" the boy cried, looking sick and trying not to vomit" Oh no, Natsu wait up!! " said the blue cat.

*Back to Mika and Lucy*

So far there was nothing interesting for the girls until " Excuse me sir, but might you have any gate keys?" Why yes, they're right over there" Lucy walked towards them and squealed " I found it! A doggy gate key " Good for you Lulu " Mika was happy Lucy got what she wanted but she didn't find anything she wanted " Are you gonna buy it? " of course! How much does it cost sir?" I see you picked that one, but aren't those weak?" I don't care, how much?" 30 000 jewel " Excuse me? How much? " you heard me 30 000 jewel " Lucy sat on the desk and said " Come on now, that can't be it, how much does it really cost? " She winked and tried to look cute and the man stared at her.

- After allot of arguing -

" I can't believe he only lowered it with just 10 000 jewel, old geezer must've been blind " said a irrated Lucy " Apparently he can't tell when there's a cute girl in front of him " Exactly, Ugh at least I got the key " Yeah at least " they were walking and suddenly they heard tons of screaming and squealing " Oh my gosh, it's Salamander!!" He's even hotter in person " What's that? " i don't know, let's check" Together they went to check it out in front of the crowd, there they saw a purple haired guy flirting with girls, then he looked their way and winked, Lucy lost it and went gaga while Mika just started to blush, then she lost it too " Omg, Lu! It's Salamander!! Aaahhh " they skipped all the way infront of him, but then a guy with salmon hair busted through and broke the spell for both of them " Who are you? " he said with a deadpanned face, everyone except for Mika and Luxy deadpanned " Surely you've heard of me? I'm the great salamander " Nah, never heard of you, thought you were someone else, let's go Happy " Aye" said a blue cat " How dare you disrespect Salamander-Sama!! " All the girls attacked him and he got pretty beat up " Okay ladies, let the poor boy go " they all stopped and fawned over the man " Here, show it to your friends " he gave the boy a autograph " Don't want it " and he got beat up again " Poor guy " Lucy agreed and then the salamander said " Alright ladies, I have to go, but you're all invited to a party at my yacht " he flew away with purple flames and all the girls squealed. Mika and Lucy went to the beaten up guy " Hey, thanks for helping us there "Lucy said,the guy stood up " with what? " He was using a charm spell, once you barged in you broke it, let me treat you as thanks " They became excited and we went to a restaurant nearby.

- Timeskip cuz I don't wanna have to explain -

"Why would a dragon be in the middle of a town?? " Lucy exclaimed, Natsu and Happy were gonna say something but they froze since they didn't have anything to counter " It's stupid yes, but, I'm not the only one then " What did you say Mika?" huh, oh nothing " Anyways, it was nice meeting you guys but we're gonna go " Lucy sets half the money and Mika the other half " thank you for the meal " they turned around and saw them bowing " It was no problem, now can you stop, it's embarrassing " Lucy said and we walked out " Boys will be boys i guess? " Mika said while lightly chuckling.

Crystalized Metal ♡ (Gajeel x OC ) { under Editing}Where stories live. Discover now