Fanfiction contest 1- OTP oneshot

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To start it off, the theme is your OTP- your favorite pairing from any fandom! Anything goes for content, as long as it is a one-shot (A story that is as long as one chapter.)
Your two lovers could be taking a walk in the park. Your bromance could be fighting a monster. Our theme is Fanfiction, so you choose where you want to go with the story. This can include reader-inserts and OCs- the limit is your imagination! However, please keep it PG13, meaning no smut or lemons. Sorry about that. But other than that, you can pretty much do whatever you want.

The contest will end on April 5th, giving exactly a month from today to think long and hard about your one shot, and the winner will be announced on April 12th.

!!! Attention !!!

We have decided to change the date of the contests end. The end will now be the 12th of April instead. The winners will be released a week later.

It should also be less than 5,000 words. If you want to enter a story that will have more than one part, make sure you clarify which chapter you want entered. Otherwise we will read the first part and judge that.
It should make sense as a stand alone chapter.

Before entering, check for the following things:

~It makes sense.
If we have never heard of the fandom, there still should be enough background knowledge involved that we understand the characters and understand what is happening.

~It makes sense grammatically. Misspellings, bad grammar, and improper punctuation will be taken into account. If you overlook this, the likelihood of winning is not as high.

~It has the correct tags.
We want to be able to find your story, so please tag it with "contest_fun" and "N1", (for number 1; this will be the first of many.) You should also comment on this chapter that you are participating. This will ensure we see your story and can find it more quickly.

Prizes for the winner are a shout-out and follow.

Good luck everyone! :)

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