Hi. I'm Eve and this is the most boring intro ever, but that's really all I have to say. I'm Eve. Just Eve. There is nothing special about me, I don't play an instrument or participate in school clubs or even have exciting friends. I'm boring as some would say, and I agree. I don't want to be exciting or out of the ordinary. I like being in this bubble of solitude. It's better than sharing air with the mouth breathers that circulate this school. I consider myself to be intelligent but not to a point that I could find a cure for cancer or anything like that. I have a 4.0 GPA and I sit in class blasting music. Other people ask me how I do so well and it's easy to answer. My moms the principal. She gives me the notes from class and I just need to study. I could go on about my grades but that's boring. You're probably reading this on a school night at 12:00 am and don't want to hear about grades due to the fact you know you have 3 D's. Anyways I was a good student. I looked like one of those drug dealer kids even though everyone knows I'm too anti social to even have drugs. No one really likes me or pays attention to me. Only one kid ever showed me kindness and it shocked everyone, even me. His name is Michael Clifford and he changed my life forever.
I know this is really short but I wanted this to serve as an introduction just introducing the character Eve and the story I'll get more into the story on the next part