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Not my story (GAM)

DISCLAIMER - there may be some scenes of a sexual nature and swearing in later chapters. If you are too young, easily offended, dont like reading of chim as a couple - then this story really isnt for you!

i don't own any of girls aloud (although kimberley is always in my mind and heart ) this is purley fiction.

the title and lyrics are taken from the song - Things i never said by Deep Purple

Chapter 1

Don't get me started, let's get it right
There's no use to talk about it deep into the night
Don't ask about secrets I could tell
I'm gonna keep them to myself

It wasn't long before Kimberley had begun to regret taking the long drive from London to Manchester by her own car, stuck in a traffic jam on the motorway she wished she had taken the second option, being driven by the chauffer. However one thing that she was glad of was that Cheryl had decided to tag along for the ride, at least she could have a decent conversation, albeit interrupted by the constant sounds of horns beeping. 'I told you to go the scenic route' Cheryl teased, seeing Kimberley was getting annoyed at the traffic. 'I bet Nadine and Nicola are already half way there' Kimberley mused, riffling through her purse and pulling out some lip gloss. She used the rear view mirror to apply it, keeping one eye on the traffic. 'yeah but I bet they aren't having as much fun as us' Cheryl retorted sarcastically.

It took about 45 minutes before they eventually got moving again, Cheryl had kept them entertained by reading the problem page in the paper. 'you'd make a good agony aunt' Cheryl decided, throwing the paper on to the back seat. 'well if we don't make this gig tonight that might be an option' Kimberley replied with a smile and put her foot down a little. 'how's things with you and Justin' Cheryl asked after a while, she wanted to ask at the beginning of the journey but it hadn't seemed like the right time. She knew Kimberley and Justin had had a few problems lately, Kimberley had told her as much in one of their phone conversations, but she hadn't told the other girls yet. 'still the same' Kimberley replied, the smile dropping off her face at the ensuing conversation. Cheryl put a hand on Kim's leg and gave it a reassuring squeeze, she of all people knew what it was like to be unhappy in a relationship. 'its not even like he's done anything wrong either, I just don't feel the same way about him as I used to you know?' Cheryl nodded in sympathy. 'when did you notice' Cheryl asked, she didn't like to pry but seeing as though Kimberley hadn't told any of the other girls, Cheryl figured that she needed to talk to someone. 'ages ago...before the tour, but I put it to the back of my mind, I just put it down to the pressure of the tour and stuff, but now, its like when I look at him, I don't feel the way I used to when we first met' A tear fell from her cheek as she said it, it felt good for her to talk about it, but even just saying it felt like she was betraying him. The tears started to come quicker, mascara laving tracks down her face. 'pull in' Cheryl said, pointing to a service station.

With the car safely parked in the car pack Cheryl took her seatbelt off and wrapped her arms round her friend, rubbing her back with one hand and cradling her head with the other. Cheryl opened her mouth to speak, but somehow, sat there in the middle of the car park, with Kimberley crying in her arms, no words seemed adequate. Seeing her friend in pain made Cheryl so unhappy that she wanted to cry along with her, however knowing there was nothing she could do or say to make her feel better was worse. 'I don't know what I would do without you' Kimberley said through sobs. 'you don't have to worry about that coz its not gonna happen babe' Cheryl said, pulling her closer.

After a few minutes she managed to compose herself enough to drive on. 'oh my god' she exclaimed with a half hearted smile, catching a glimpse of her reflection in the mirror. 'look at me' she stated, wiping the mascara from her face as best she could. 'you look beautiful' Cheryl said quietly, more to herself than Kim. 'you have to say that, you're my friend' Kimberley laughed, pulling back on to the motorway. 'if I had to say it I would have told you the other night when you had your head down the toilet' Cheryl replied with a laugh. Kimberley laughed as well, it was just the tonic she needed after feeling so upset. 'its so good to see you laugh' Cheryl said, watching Kimberley's face, it was as if she was mesmerised, as if just to look away would hurt. 'what you looking at' Kimberley asked, realising that Cheryl was staring at her. 'kim...' Cheryl started, then trailed off realising she was in dangerous territory. 'what...what do you want' Kimberley probed, giving Cheryl a little reassuring smile.
'I want you' was all that Cheryl could muster. Even before she said it she wished that she hadn't. 'what' Kimberley asked, a little taken aback. 'I...I want open the window' Cheryl retorted and gave her a funny 'what did you think I meant' look. Her heart was racing, she hoped that she had gotten away with her slip of the tongue but she doubted she had. Kimberley, for her part had decided to let it drop for now, but she made a mental note to bring it up later when they had finished the gig.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2016 ⏰

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