There is an ocean of people. All laughing at me. "Paul, it's happening again. What do I do. I'm scared." I stammer. Paul and Danny hesitate and fill everyone off. They lead me out into the long, empty hallway. "I'm so sorry. I'm making drama, and people hate me. You don't have to be friends with me. People already hate me." I'm sobbing now. They both give me a big hug. "We're not leaving you y/n." Danny says. I nod my head. "Let's leave. Ditch. Danny and I are okay with it. Are you on board?" Paul asks, smirking. I giggle. "Yea. Let's do this!" I laugh. We walk out of school and walk to Paul's car. "His name is Hasselhoff. Paul named him!" Danny laughs. Paul blushes.