I lived with my 2 best friends, Aria and Kirsten. Kirsten was a youtube like me and Aria was a photographer and a starting youtuber. I was the first one up. I always was. Today was the day Kirsten and I were going to help Aria take a picture of a narwal. " Girls! Get your lazy butt up!" I yelled. I hated being late."Cassie! Relax. We still have another hour." Aria yelled back at me mumbling half of her words. Aria was lazy. Very lazy. "Cassie. We won't be late I promise." Kirsten said. "Well, you both know how it takes you guys like an hour to get ready. So get up now! Before I unleash The cats and dogs on you." We had 2 dogs and 2 cats. They got along perfectly so it didn't really matter where we kept them. Aria fell on the floor and got dressed while Kirsten fell back asleep."Kirsten!! Don't make me come in there." No one wanted me to come into their room. Let's just say I got people to wake up fast. Really fast. "Okay. Okay. I'm getting up. I'm getting up." Kirsten said as she slowly got ready.