My Creepy House

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So I think I moved into a haunted apartment its scary the ghost are a creepy family of dead people.

So I just moved into a big apartment and it was pretty cool till I heard some very strange sounds at night and by my neighbors so let me tell me how my ghost died lets just say the did weed and pot and the mother made her kids try it so they died then she killed herself. So that's how they died .The first thing is that I saw some weird thing it look like a very tall lady with very dark hair that covers her eyes and she has her cross and stands by the door and stares at me and my sister its freaky and all my other friends that spend the night . The second scary thing is I hear little kids run up and down the hallway and giggle and whisper. So I'm just freaked out to death I get so scared but the thing that is not that scary only her 2 kids come in my room not the lady well once it gives me the shivers so I'm gonna stop talking about it .

So that was the end of my story of my freaky scary house. I have one more thing to tell you BOO

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