The beginning

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It was a Friday night, the day before Alex had to leave for a two months long tour, and he had never been so nervous in his entire life.

After being with his girlfriend Lisa on and off for ten years, he finally decided to settle down. It was time, if not now, then when?

They had been through hell but they always found each other at the end of every fight, every sleepless night, every apology and punch. They were meant to be, they just didn't get to understand it completely throughout all those years of not trusting each other enough to stay together; Alex spent a long time touring, away from her, away from home. It was obvious that both of them faced the consequences of not being together due to these problems. With Lisa's busy schedule and Alex's job as a musician, they barely even got to see each other all that much, but they always made it work somehow. They always ended up together no matter how far away they were from each other.

9:30PM and they were sitting at the table having a lovely meal Lisa prepared for them - Orange chicken with a side of basmati rice, grilled veggies and cream of mushroom with custard as desert. Alex couldn't thank enough coming home to her and a perfect meal. All time low had been practicing all day every day for the last week before they went on tour. It was going to be their first time playing Future Hearts live and they had never been so nervous. On top of that, Alex was just about to get down on one knee, he was already sweating through his clothes.

"How is it?" Lisa asked, a piece of chicken in her mouth. Alex smiled nervously at her and gulped.

"It's delicious, as always" Alex said truthfully. Lisa was a great cook, he had no idea where she learnt all those recipes she made.

"Are you nervous about this tour? You're doing that thing with your fingers again" She chuckled and grabbed his hand from across the table to stop him from it.

"Doing what?" Alex raised his eyebrows, taking her hand in his and caressing it lightly.

"Clicking your fingers non-stop" She said with a sympathetic smile.

"Sorry, I guess I'm just nervous. It'll be the first time playing Future Hearts so we're worried something might go wrong" He lied through his teeth, chewing the inside of his cheeks. It wasn't a complete lie, but that wasn't the reason why he was nervous.

"You're worrying over nothing. You'll do great as always. Has anything gone really wrong the last five years of touring?" She asked, and Alex shook his head. "So everything will be alright this time too" She reassured him.

"You are the best" Alex said and Lisa smiled up at him.

"Let's finish this and watch a movie?" She suggested and Alex nodded at her, a sad smile on his face.

"You have no idea how guilty I feel every time I leave" He said, a sinking feeling hovering over him.

"Alex, I know, but it can't be helped. It's your job, your passion, and I'm really glad it is. I'll always be here when you come back, you know that"

"I know. You'll always be here"



Lisa did the dishes quickly while Alex finished packing his bags. He was taking a while because he thought it would be best to leave packing for the last minute. Lisa then moved onto making some hot ginger tea for both of them.

"What movie are we watching?" Alex asked from the living room.

"We don't have to, babe. You have an early flight tomorrow and we have to leave to the airport at around five so why don't we take it easy tonight?" She said as she poured boiling water into two mugs. When she didn't receive an answer, she turned around to look at him across the kitchen.

"Did you hear-" But he wasn't in thr living room anymore. There he was, dropped onto one knee on the kitchen floor, holding a small box with the most beautiful ring inside of it.

"Marry me" He said. His voice shaky and full of fear. Thoughts of rejection crossing his mind.

Lisa stood still, mouth a gape, not being able to say anything, so she just nodded furiously. She covered her face with her hands and started crying. Alex stood up and grabbed her left hand, slipping the ring on her ring finger -which fit perfectly- and making her look at him. Her tear stained face too pretty to be ruined by tears.

"You didn't expect this, did you?" Alex chuckled nervously, still trying to swallow the lump in his throat.
Lisa shook her head against Alex's chest as they embraced each other.

"Oh my god. This is our first hug as an engaged couple" She said looking at him.

"And this is our first kiss" He leaned down and kissed her, slow and passionately. She cupped his face with her small hands and sighed into the kiss as they pulled away.

"I love you so much" She whispered.

"I love you too"

"Let's skip the movie. I want to cuddle for the rest of the night" Lisa hugged him tight with no intention of letting to of him any time soon.


A/N: I know this is short and shitty but eh oh well! Hope you've liked it. Wrote this in half an hour lol

This is the end of Jalex, Alex and Lisa are (FINALLY OMG IMMA CRY) getting married and it's already pretty disturbing to keep writing Jalex knowing that they are getting married. I really enjoy reading Jalex or any other pairing tbh but I just want to make clear that I DO NOT think these pairings have ever existed. I like to imagine them together mainly because I think homosexual couples are super cute but that's all. I've always been a supporter of Lisex, I really love Lisa and whoever makes Alex happy should be respected. If you don't respect her, please fuck off because you're just jealous and you'll never be with them. I will try to finish all my started Jalex fics tho, don't worry! Okay, thanks and bye (:

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