A lady had a baby boy and not place to go so she went to a dark hotel and she rang the bell as a guy comes in "may I help you?" "um yes" "okay how may I help you he said he looked like a vampire without a suit like a vampire "I and my son need a room" okay hears the key to 201 thanks the girl said as she walked up the stairs with her son when she put him in the crib and went to sleep when she went to the bathroom and goes back she notices her baby is GONE she screams AHHHH and she throws open the door and sees a clown with her baby she chases him and the clown goes in a door and she did not see him all she saw was a dead nurse she screamed again and saw the clown go in a different door she chased him but did not see him she saw her baby she grabbed him and ran out the hotel and the people at the hotel laughed as she ran