She needs love! What is Love?

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I came from a family that never gave what I asked for, and when they said yes there was always something wrong with the girft. I really didnt interact with my family growing up. My parents were a rich coulple, but never really paid attention to me or eachother, we also never really ate at the dinner table or any table for that matter. The last time we interacted with each other was when i told them "If you dont play candyland with me, I was going to hit myself, and go to school the next day and say they hit me."

Oh, how many problems can my household have in an hour let alone in a day. its a shame because were christain and they can break all 10 commandments 100 times in an hour. my mom and dad arugments are the worst dad cheats on mom, mom gets mad, mom cheats on dad, next thing you know moms on the living floor praying to god he would stop beating her. it was sa but like said women are sneaking and manipulating and they deserve to be punished. somenight dad would come home with a black eye, busted lip, bursed kuckles, and the terrible smell of alcohol reeked and flonered around the house. sometimes mom would get mad smash a glass or two, after the second glass she knew it was my turn to get beat.

My dad would often punish me for my mistakes. and every time my mom was so dumbfonded and happy to not be the one getting hit. she never really acre about saving her 11 year old daughter. my mom never really care if my dad bursed or broke anything because in her head money can fisk and solve anything that man kind may throw at her. money didnt really didnt matter to them as long as mom won every case (mom was a lawyer) and if dad won ever stock company arugument. but now 12 years later, im am 23 and own two different stock conpanies and have a enought eduacation to be a surgeon and technicion. My therapist says i suffer from aniexty and deprression. i really wasnt suprise because of the knoweing of my past. 3 differnt pills everyday, ive gotta use to it because i know its a daily scedule that i must do to keep me moving.

Me, I like all clothes but according to my mom i have to be better that the next and greater than the last. she wasnt to but the hotest and most expensuive clothes, be so beautiful that the queen of england couldnt come clothes.

im not really an emotionally expressed person. i keep all emotional things to myself. forgive and forget and no one gets hurt.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2016 ⏰

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