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Hermione's POV-

I smiled to myself as I walked to Draco and I's secret spot, a small field of grass that sat at the very edge of the 600 ft cliff.

"Hey Draco." I smiled, walking up to him to give him a kiss, but he just pushed me away, sneering.

"Draco, what is it? Did I do something? What's wrong? Talk to me!" I asked, trying not to show the worry on my face.

"It's you, you filthy mudblood. Who do you think you are cheating on me?"

My heart dropped when I heard the word fall out of his mouth as if it were my name.

"What do you mean by 'you cheated on me'?" I whispered.

"I saw you with Ron, hugging him and kissing him. I'm actually glad to be honest. It means I can stop hiding this." Draco hissed, pointing to the collar of his shirt which had bright red lipstick smudged all over it.

At this, I felt tears well up in my eyes. I blinked multiple times, hoping that they would remain unnoticed.

"I hugged him and gave him a kiss in the cheek because he finally accepted our relationship. Wait, you've been cheating on me? How long?" I mumbled.

"Since the beginning. Did you really think that I could ever love a mudblood as filthy as you. You are nothing, and you definitely don't mean anything to me." He said in a deadly tone that I haven't heard before.

This time I let the tears fall as I let my eyes scan his wrist, only to find the gold chain still there. He noticed my stare and let out an evil laugh.

"Let me guess, you want to know why the chain is still here? It's because I was the one who messed with the charm on it, not to stay on until we stopped loving the other, but to just stay on so it won't get lost. For the brightest witch of our age, your really not that bright."

"Why Malfoy, why me? Why choose me to play your stupid games with. After all, I'm just a mudblood. Wouldn't you want to choose someone with cleaner blood then me." I growled, forgetting about the tears that were soaking my face.

"Your right, I should've chose someone who was a pureblood, but you were such an easy target. I mean, you and Weasley were so crazy in love, and when he left, I could see your heart breaking, and I knew he would want you to be happy, so you fit perfectly into my plan." Malfoy snickered.

"What plan you ferret." I spat.

"The plan to make you fall for me, then I would make your heart break like it is now, and then you would loose all your pride and your courage, you would be too embarrassed to face all your friends who tried to warn you, but you were really too stupid and blind to see that I was just using you." Malfoy smirked.

"I never loved you Malfoy, your nothing more than a death eater to me, and you know how I feel about them, there all dead to me." I shouted, more tears running down my face.

"Oh you bitch." He growled, slapping me across the face. "If you didn't love me, then why is this still on here." Malfoy growled, grabbing the necklace that was permanently sealed around my neck.

"I don't know." I whispered, closing my eyes.

"Of course you don't, your just too ashamed that you fell for a person who didn't even love you back." He hissed.

"I trusted you, you know that." I sobbed as my knees almost buckled underneath me.

"Well that's your own fault for doing that, now please do go and kill yourself, hopefully by doing that the air might become a lot cleaner and I won't die from some unknown mudblood disease." He muttered in that deadly tone.

Love Always Hurts (A Fremione and Dramione fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now