Water It: Michelle

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The studio, it feels so different but I know it's my home and I Michelle belong to dance. I can't think of why I tried to fill this hole with various clubs but I just lost so much confidence, that dance didn't feel right anymore but now I know it's where I truly belong.

I've just gotten back to the studio after my period of absence, and right now I'm in studio A trying to work through my solo. It does feel a little weird, as it is all so sudden but I know this is important to me and to the team. I'm going through the motions, and trying to find my rhythm when Eldon walks in. Eldon, my ex and someone whom I care so deeply about; he is a fellow dancer here at The Next Step and also held the key to my heart for so long. After all this drama between Hunter and him, I'm not exactly sure where we stand aside from the fact that we're on decent terms. Sometimes I wished all that commotion never happened but everything happens for a reason. A little startled, I smiled and cheerfully said, "Hey".

"Hey", he replied back smiling, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you". He gestured to my stance.

"Oh no, don't worry about it", I replied, " I was just working through some choreo in here, you can stay if you want though, I don't mind". I nervously fidgeted with my fingers and got back into my stance. I haven't really talked to him in a while, so I hope this goes well, I mean we used to be so close and now to me it feels empty, almost disheartening. He asked how the solo was and how I was feeling, in which i told him about the nervousness that wrecked havoc in my mind.

"Let me see some of it", he offered. Taking a deep breath, I moved through the first few steps before he stopped me. The atmosphere felt tense but slowly began to relax and it brought some comfort, when he said "Wait hold on". Eldon suggested doing something different with my arms, something stronger but it was apparent in both of us that I was lacking in confidence, and I wasn't how I used to be. It has been a while though, since I've danced in front of someone, and I guess I just feel uncomfortable. As he continued to give me tips, we were working together in a sync that could only have been recognizable in our past selves. I gained a glimpse of hope that perhaps he had put our past in the past and we could renew our relationship, whether it be friendship or even possibly another romantic one.

We were working hard and it was so great to have him with me. I felt normal again, like I belonged but part of me tugged that something was not right and that something needed to be said. Of course there was idle small talk and such but there was still tension in the air. I think part of me really missed him, but another part knew that there was a possibility he didn't. He had such a focused and hard working look on his face, and he green eyes gleamed with determination. We had moved into his dance, and it was phenomenal as he was such an amazing dancer as there was passion but no story. "We know you can flip and turn and do all these tricks but..", he smirked, but to me it just felt like dance.When he has a concept, it puts the extra magic to his dance, "Whats your story"?, I asked.

He seemed a little taken back by that question, "Um I don't really have one, I found a song, liked it and danced. Of course Eldon wouldn't have thought about it, he was often oblivious, but that's okay it just makes him, him. Knowing that I smiled, he was still the Eldon I knew, but in a different way. I threw some ideas about how his song Oxygen can move through his body, and he turns and exclaims, "that's a really good idea, I've never thought about that before but it makes sense". We both share a look a joy before turning back to our hard work, and although it could be the lighting I swear by then the whole atmosphere changed. We were working so well, so much like how we did when we were creating or regionals duet. We just work well together, we click and know how to help one another. Eldon and I have always had this connection and it's always felt special.

At the end of the night, I practiced my solo again for Eldon, and I felt so much more comfortable and confident than from what I had felt from the beginning of the day. "Is that better"?, I questioned timidly.
He exclaimed, "Nice"!, we walked up to one another and my heart rate increases slightly. " With that routine, we are for sure going into semi-finals", he beamed.

Beaming back I replied, " Well I couldn't have done it without you". He timidly waved his hands and stated how it was the both of us, causing me to blush. "So..", I began after a moment of silence, "Are we okay now"?.

"Yeah", he smiled, "We are". The amount of relief that washed over me was indescribable and I didn't feel it coming, when we went in for a hug it felt homely, like I was missing something all along, and although I didn't want to let go, I didn't know what he was feeling. We expressed gratitude for one another's help and he said," You know what, lets go to Culture Shock. Drinks are on me". I agreed and he slipped his arms around my shoulder as we walked out. I had a great day with him, as we helped and forgave each other. I hope that this won't be the last day, we ever do this.

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