Impact: The Greater Good

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"Love you"

"We'll miss you"

That's what my mom kept saying over over as John and Ezra were about to leave

I pulled John aside to talk to him alone

"John, Why are you guys leaving already, you've been gone for almost a year, you stayed for about a month and now your going back to this uh Island of Suicide" I said

"Its The Island of Suikayde Michelle and we just have some things we left there that we would like to bring back and show you and this trip is only supposed to take a week if we're lucky less" John said

"Okay like what kind of things JJ"

"I dunno just small things maybe even some new friends if everything runs smoothly"

"John we have to go the plane leaves In an hour and half" Ezra calls

"Alrighty babe I'm coming, see ya soon sis" we hugged each other goodbye and then the family waited for them to call us from

Sui-whatever and let us know they got there safely.

*ring ring*

Huh if that's who I think it is they're early "I GOT IT MOM"

"Jello" it's what I say instead of hello it seems to throw people off for a minute

"Hi is this residence of John Or Ezra Kambler"

"Why yes but they actually just left would you like me to take a message-"

"Actually there will be no getting the message to them because they've been in a crash landing during their flight"

Omygosh I felt so light-headed I don't know where I got the strength to keep talking

"Are they alright, is it a coma, severe damage to the limbs?"

"None of that actually, their bodies and 4 others have not been found, we've sent search parties out and found nothing at all not a trace of them even being on the island and we are starting to believe they jumped plane and died on impact of landing"

"What! How could you even come to that conclusion, were they even on that plane"

"Yes, surviving passengers claimed to have seen a small group of people jump plane"


"Please ma'am I need you to calm down, we would like you to come down and talk to some of our detectives and help identify a few of their things, when is the soonest that you can come down"

"Im sorry, I can leave now as long as I don't need to catch any planes"

"Sounds good to me just give me a minute to give you the address"

What am I going to do? I still have to tell mom and John's parents and Ezra's parents and and call their bosses and I just can't take all of this.

"Michelle who's on the phone?"


Right then and there I burst into tears and told her everything

"Michelle sweetie you are not going through this alone... not again sweetie"

"Thank you soo much momma I love you"

"I love you too"



"Carter, Michelle Carter and this is my mother Evlyn Greene"

"Hello miss Carter and miss Greene I'm detective Shane, I've brought you here to ask you a few questions about John and Ezra and help me identify a few of their luggage items"

"Sounds simple enough"

"So the whole jumping off the plane scene, does that sound like something John or Ezra would consider doing"

"Absolutely John was always a risk taker and he always took charge in a difficult situation"

"And Ezra?"

"Had total faith her husband would do what was best for her"

"Okay then... here is some luggage we identified as theirs do any of these items seem familiar"

"Mom look its the blanket you bought JJ for when had a son, but there are lots of other baby things in here too, this doesn't make any sense"

"So you don't recognize any of this miss carter?"

"Well some but I don't understand why they have so many baby clothes and for a boy and a girl, mom do you know what's going on?"

"No, but they were probably going to donate or something possibly even adopt"

" you don't think they have kids in Suikayde do you mom?"

"That they wouldn't tell us about, not likely"

But it is possible right, what am I saying JJ told me everything

"We'll detective this is their stuff"

"Thank you so much for your time miss Carter and miss Greene if we find any further information we will be sure to contact you"

"Thank you detective"


"Mom I think I'm going to head back to the city, I haven't seen David in a while either and his birthday is Coming up"

"Okay, well I'm only a call away and little good news wouldn't hurt... like maybe a proposal"


"Kidding- not really but tell him I said hi"

" okay"

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