Chapter 7

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"We worked with nature and in turn, nature worked with us. We could now communicate with a spirit that lived and grew all around us. Once our communications opened in real time the story she had to tell blew our collective minds. Just so you know I refer to the spirit as 'she' because my species saw her has a mother figure. The living spirit named herself Spring and told us the name came from the original sentient species that once inhabited planet Earth. Guess that sounds familiar to you, huh?" fffffffft.

"We mustered all our energies into communicating with this entity named Spring, though every time we touched her with our thoughts we received a disturbed sadness. How I could describe this would be like taking the sunshine away from a beautiful flower. Still, Spring was always willing to help us but we wanted to help back. There was that constant feeling of sadness and we wanted to know why. For you to grasp the full effect I'll need to touch you. It may take some adjusting to channel the information, but trust me, it won't hurt."

Moving towards the human bubble now, "Hold still friend, I'm attempting to channel information directly from my memory banks."

Still, the human bubble doesn't make a move as I connect to its frame. My tentacle moves through its cloud body which feels as though I'm moving through warm water. My entire body just shivered. What was that? The..the human is sucking the information out faster than what I can give,

I...I can't...

M..y....childre..n. Thank you for your concerns. I am sad but not sad with you. I am sad for what happened many rotations ago. You see signs of an advanced civilization that once prospered here. They were known as Homo-sapiens or humans, as they preferred to call themselves. They walked on two legs and used two hands to craft centerpieces. They had one large brain and used two eyes to perceive the world. For a time they lived in harmony with the land using rhythm and sound to feed social interactions. They loved to the point where they would protect their children to the death.

This type of love was a bond like you have with me. I know you will do anything to protect me and this planet we share, though sadly the Humans were built with a different mindset.

I am one of four siblings whom make this planet what it is. My name is Spring for I am all flora. I will continue to grow as long as my three sisters continue to operate. Winter, my air sister, circulates my output and maintains atmosphere balance. Summer represents all forms of water allowing my senses to remain clean. Autumn, the most important of all our sisters represents the entire landscape. She is also known as the connector as she is the only one who can directly communicate with Mother who resides in the center of our planet.

We love our mother but even now we are upset with what she did to the Humans. We feel sadness because we are the ones who started it.

Humans didn't understand us and so created stories, beliefs and religion to help them understand their surroundings. They were constantly in fear of the unknown and so with that fear came inevitable destruction of the planet. They were capable of great thought and imagination but were caged within their own minds. Prophets were people who came close to humanity's' potential, though they were rare among the population. Once humans tasted power it was impossible to go back and so they would take drastic measures to hold onto this power.

I was the first of my siblings to feel the effects of humanity. My life was being drained, trees were being cut and grass became stone. For a time I allowed this to happen for I believed humans wouldn't completely destroy me, and yet they continued to cut me down. I became tired and could barely whisper to my sisters for help.

Winter was the first sibling to recognize my dying. She reached out to me to find out why I was becoming weak and I explained that humans were to blame. Winter wouldn't believe it and for a time refused to believe Humanity was having any effect on me. She told me I needed to endure as it has happened many times before since my birth. I held my breath knowing Humanity would soon have effect on my sisters.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2016 ⏰

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