Back round story

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Every thing I'm going to say in here is true. No lies.

In first grade my parents got a divorce. I didn't understand what that meant at that age. Then my sister and my mom explained it me. That is what got me. That didn't make me very sad. I still got to see my parents all the time, at that age. Later that year I got eye surgery. They had to tighten the muscles be hind both of my eyes. So, after the surgery my eyes were very red, and blood shot. When I went back to school the week after the surgery, a lot of people made fun of me. I had to ware sunglasses in side, because it was to bright.People mad fun of me for that. They called me "Red eyes" witch makes no senses. I was over weight so I was all so "fat" But yea... that happened.

Second grade not not any better. My parents were fighting all the time. They were living in the same house at that time. They are in the some book for it. They are one of the first people to be going through a divorce and still live together. My mom, sister, and me were looking at houses to move into. After we found a house that we liked and was in the same school system. I don't know why, I had no friends. They stabbed me in the back. They made fun of me. They are the ones that started calling me fat. I was half way broken. By the end of the year I found one friend and she helped me through every thing that was going on. I got happier.

Third grade was bad. I got glasses. I hated them. On the first day of school, all the bullies came over and made fun of me. I was "four eyes" that year. In the first week of the new year, we found out that one of my sister friends had leukemia. :'( I was friends with him too. He stood up for me. When I found out, I cried. I knew that he would not be able to stand up for me as much. He started going to treatments. I got made fun of every day. But that's not the worst thing that happened to me. I found out what my dad does. He f***ed every girl he could when we weren't there. He has over 50 girlfriends. He stopped feeding, talking, and doing anything with me and my sister. Every word that the bullies hurt me. They some how found out about what my dad does. I don't even know how. I didn't even know how. I didn't tell any one. Near the end of the year, we found out that my friend had defeated leukemia. That was the best thing I heard in a long time. When I went to school, the next day nothing bothered me. I was happy.

In fourth grade nothing really happened. Same thing that happened last year. People saying "your dad doesn't like you because of this and that" I stopped eating much. I thought of self harming. I didn't do it that year.

Now on to this year. Around The beginning on fifth grade I started cutting. I'm not really bullied any more. If by any, my dad makes fun of me. I had this thing for choir, he sat there and pouted. No smile. Just sat there arms crossed. Didn't clap. He didn't tell me I did great. He did the exact opposite. He said it was the worst thing he ever heard. I'm sorry I can't. :'( No father should do that. He's not my dad he never will be. I never had a real fatherly person in my life. I made tow new friends this year, and still have the one from years ago.

I was crying the whole time I was writing this. It brought back so many bad memories. I am a very happy person. I joke around, I know how to make people laugh. I'm just broken. And so many people are truing to fix me. If you are reading this right now, thank you for caring. I will try to update once a week. Bye!

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