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Scar opened his eyes, looking around. He was expecting to see the darkness of the Pridelands and the hyenas descending upon him. Instead, he found himself looking to the bright green grass of the Pridelands. He headed to the waterhole, not knowing what happened. This is longer than I remember. He thought to himself. He approached the water hole, though he didn't see any animals, and was strangely at peace. When he arrived, his heart leapt for joy, he saw the one person who cared for him his whole life.

"Mom?" He said. He put a paw to his mouth, not remembering his voice being so high.

"Taka, I've been waiting for you for a long time." She replied. "Come to the water with me." She said all this in a voice sweet like honey. They went over to the water. "Look at your reflection." She said to him, "It is why you are named Taka and not Scar." He looked in, and saw himself, yet he was a cub, without a scar. He was free at last.

"I-I'm free..." He said to himself

"Yes you are. When you died, you returned to the happiest time of your life, and that was your childhood, without the scar."

"So, where is Mufasa?" Taka asked.

"Right here little brother." Taka turned around to see his older brother standing over him. He was much older.

"Mufasa!" Taka said, running up to him. Taka hugged his brother's leg, sobbing, "I'm so sorry, I don't know-"

"Shh... It's ok, you are free of your sins and mistakes." Mufasa said to Taka, a warm smile on his face. "Also, I know you are wondering why I am much older, that is because the happiest I ever felt was being a dad to Simba, and speaking of dad's..."

"My son." Taka heard a booming voice behind him. Joy over took him. This was the first time since receiving his scar had Taka's father recognized him as his son.

"Father." Taka said turning around. He faced his dad, for the first time since receiving the scar, without fear.

"You are safe now." His father said. "Let us be a family once more, come with me to Priderock." The family walked to Priderock, finally as a family.

I am free

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