Chapter 1

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  I have never really been loved. My parents, Krissy and Keon, are all I have left anymore. They would always say to me "Kolan, everyone has a good and bad side." People do not stick with me long. They see my bad side and leave. Also I never believed in a fresh start. Whatever happens, happens. Then good news arrived to me while I was lying in bed with a migraine and a heavy cold. My mother, Krissy, knocked once then twice and walked in. My eyes strained to see who it was at first.
  "I have good news Kolan." She said with a smile. My eyes widened a little and I waited for what was next.
  "Your father and I have decided we are all leaving Michigan to go to California next week." After that was said, I was breathing heavier than normal and could not wait for this possible 'fresh start'. I wanted to see if this new beginning thing was even possible.

  My week of a runny nose and horrid series of headaches had stopped. I was ready for this new change.
  Everything was packed and I waited for my father to start the car. Us three looked back at our old rickety house and drove off leaving only dust behind.
  The airport was cold and a bit ran down. We had already checked in and I sat drinking water while shaking my leg. Watching planes take off one by one became boring after awhile. I had a phone but social media when you have no friends is kind of pointless. It was mainly for emergencies. At the time I wish I had friends to socialize with while I waited for my plane.
  We boarded the plane and it took off shortly after. Then we arrived after hours of eating only salty peanuts and having a five year-old constantly kick at our seats. It was worth it. This change will be worth it. I know it will.

  Home. As soon as we arrived, we were greeted by our new, and friendly, neighbors. Turns out they have a son my age and my thoughts raced around my head.
*Is he cute, smart, nice? What if he is a complete jerk?*
  I then was interrupted by my now grouchy father to start getting my room put together.
First I needed to have a nice room for when my new friends come over, if I do befriend anyone.
It also needs to be comfy for myself.
My room had a bathroom attached to it along with a balcony. How perfect. Also a window that just has to be looking into neighbor boy's room. I stopped for a moment to witness, what it looks like, his girlfriend yelling then running out of the house. Yikes. He of course ran out after her and I stopped and went out to act as if I was grabbing some more boxes. He walked out of his house then stopped and I froze. His eyes were a light blue and made me cold. It was blazing hot outside, yet I was froze completely.

  Everything was unpacked and I was helping my mother with the kitchen and living room. My dad was dead asleep in his room upstairs. I wish I were too. But when I went to try to sleep, all I could think about were those icy eyes of his and his nerdy glasses that clung to his head just right.
  Now it was midnight and I was half-asleep. I didn't have to start school tomorrow either so that's a plus I guess.

  9:32 a.m. My mom crept in my room to tell me that we were having lunch with the neighbors at our new house. She said it was all their idea. That means I will be able to see nerdy glasses boy today. How nice? Hopefully everything goes well and I do not ruin anything.
  The shower started and I undressed my airport scented clothing. Once I was done I started with my clothes. Since we had to dress up a little, I decided to wear a white, lacy skirt with a roses shirt tucked in. Then I did partial makeup just to cover unwanted spots. I was after two hours or so. Then they arrived and I knew I would freeze up as soon as he said hello.
He walked in.
"Afternoon. I'm Maxx." He stuck his hand out and I shook it.
"Oh uh I'm Kolan." I spoke hesitantly.
Then we froze while still awkwardly shaking hands. Staring at each other not intentionally.
I realized what had happened then let go of our firm grasp on each other's hand and awkwardly smiled as I wiped my hand on my dress.
Yes, he was cute and yes I got a bit lost in the moment. So what? Maybe I had a crush on nerdy glasses boy. Who knew you could have feelings for someone you just met. Oops.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2016 ⏰

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