not alone

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Your POV

You ran deeper into the city looking back once in a while to make sure no one was following. Someone ran into you and you fell to the floor.
''Y/N you OK?'' Whytt asked he helped you up.
''Whytt I'm fine.'' You said
''Why are you running?'' He asked
''Rebels I saw them outside of the city.'' You said
''Did they see you?'' He asked
''No but I ran just in case.'' You said
''Will they can't get in not with this dome over us.'' Whytt said pointing up.
''Yes your right.'' You said
''Here sit down.'' Whytt said taking you over to a crate you sat down on it worried of what might happen.

Ezra's POV

Chopper came wheeling back holding a blaster Kanan grabbed it from him.
''Chopper once we open a section up go and disable the shield.'' Kanan said he then pointed the blaster at the shield it dissolved part of it then exploded we ran threw as the alarm went off.
''Kanan.'' I yelled over it.
''Cover your ears Ezra. Chopper turn it off.'' Kanan yelled

Your POV

You and whytt covered your ears as the alarm went off.
''Wyatt.'' You screamed the alarm soon turned off and you looked at each other.
''Will will will look who we have here.'' Said a familiar female voice you turned around to see both the inquisitor's looking at the both of you.
''Inquisitor's think goodness you are still here rebels have entered the city.'' Whytt said
''We are aware of it.'' She said
''Then do something about it.'' Whytt told her. She held out her hand you flew back and hit the wall.
''What are you doing?'' Whytt yelled
''She is with the rebellion.'' Replayed the inquisitor
''No she was captured by them.'' Whytt said
''Very interesting.'' She said you got.
''Tell her its not true.'' Whytt said to you.
''Whytt I'm sorry.'' You said you pulled out your light saber and turned it on. You can at her but she stopped you she held you there for a while the other inquisitor came up behind you then you blacked out you fell back and he caught you whytt picked up your light saber as the inquisitor threw you over his shoulder. Whytt followed behind them.

Ezra's POV

Chopper finally turned the alarm off Kanan looked me and nodded we ran deeper into the city to find my sister. I looked up and saw a star destroyer above the city we ran faster the shield went down Kanan stopped me we saw an imperial ship with the inquisitor's and a boy and over one the inquisitor's shoulder was Y/N.
''No.'' I said the ship was taking off I ran to it.
''Ezra no.'' Kanan yelled I jumped hit into the air like Kanan taught me and I landed softly on the ship.

Kanan's POV

''What am I going to do with that kid.'' I said I ran back to were chopper was.
''Specter 2 we have a problem.'' I said on the caller
''What happened now.'' Hera replayed
''I need the phantom now.'' I said
''OK I'll meet you at the city.'' She said I meet with chopper who started complaining Hera soon landed.
''Were is Ezra and Y/N?'' She asked
''I'll explain later right now I need you and chopper to go back and stay with the others I'll be back soon.'' I ran into the phantom and took off before she could respond.

Your POV

You woke up and found that you have restrains whytt sat across from you with your light saber in hand you struggled.
''You lied to me.'' He said
''I can explain.'' You said
''You were with the rebels the whole time.'' He said getting up.
''I was protecting my brother.'' You said
''I can understand that but this,'' he said holding up your light saber. ''Your a Jedi master.'' He snapped
''Yes and I lied because I had to.'' You said he came up to you and moved your H/C hair and grabbed the braid.
''You shouldn't even have this.'' He said turning on your light saber.
''Whytt don't please.'' You said but it was two late he cut it off with your own light saber the braid fell to the floor.
''No.'' You screamed you struggled against your restrains.
''We are no longer friends and you will never be a Jedi master again.'' He snapped you looked at him with a blank face he had crossed the line.
''You will remover these restraints.'' You said
''I will remove your restraints.'' He said and came up to you and did.
''You will let me put the restrains on you.'' You said
''I will let you put these restraints on me.'' He said he laid on the plate form when you got off you put the restrains on him and grabbed your light saber from his hand.

Ezra's POV

I jumped off and hid behind some creates I saw them take Y/N the boy was holding my sisters light saber as he followed them.
''Don't worry I'll get you out.'' I whispered I stayed were I was Intel the coast was clear I ran to the door but on the other side was a trooper before he saw me I blasted him. I ran down the hall trying to be careful I heard some voices and ran into a room when the door closed I turned and saw some trooper uniforms and one of them was for am imperial academy student I put it on and put the helmet on two and walked out I went down the hall.
''Whytt your father asked us to make sure your OK.'' Said a trooper.
''Oh yea I'm fine right now.'' I said
''Let us know if anything gos wrong.'' They said and walked off I sighed with relief and continued walking I didn't know were to go so I opened a another door but the room was empty.

Ezra X Female Reader| #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now