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My steps echoed through the hallway as I walked. The hallway was long and grey with a cold, hard, stone ground; the only color in the hallway are the pictures of  the past principals, but there aren't very many. I stopped and stared at the first principal, Mr. Bendlin. He was the only one that actually kept the school's hope alive with happiness: even though it was the hardest time we had ever faced. 3 years ago a mysterious war broke out and everyone ages 18 and above were called to go to battle, whether female or male, mentally stable or not, you were called. The government said they found some way to incorporate everyone so no one was left out. So people stood up and went, the strange thing was that no mom made a complaint or even shed a tear, they just left. The kids were left to defend for themselves with no weapons or any means of education. We were completely lost. Until one brave teenager stood up and spoke. She said she figured out a new way of life and to just give her a chance. We had no other choice, 6 months passed and everything began to work like clockwork it was truly amazing. She organized it so that each school was ,in a way, it's own mini country. We built dorms, pools, and completely decked them out. Unfortunalty we had to pick only the most successful schools (well high schools) because we had to make sure we didn't have to many but it all worked out. No child was left out on the streets and everyone had enough food. We had no use for money because of the new system so we burned it all. After that everything fell in place and we soon all lived in harmony. It is truly amazing how she figured everything out, and at 13. After all our problems were solved she went back to her home school and they deemed her head of the school until she has to go off to battle. Her name? Melody Monting.

"Jacob!" I turn around and see headmaster Sunder standing there glaring at me "Shouldn't you be watching training?" Headmaster Sunder is a tall boy with a huge ego, since he is 17 he thinks he towers above everyone. I can't wait till he goes off to the war.

"Uh, very sorry sir. I was just on my way"

"Well hurry up, you're late"

"Yes sir" I hurry past him and make my way to my room psh like I'm going to training  Once you turn 16 you have to go into training for the army, so that when you turn 18 you can go fight in the war. No one can stay sadly. But it is a fair trade, we trade a fully trained 18 year old for a 1 year old kid who can be a good worker. So the cycle keeps going. Sometimes we even trade for medicine, fortunately not many kids catch diseases that easily. Surprisingly after we disposed of hi tech equipment, cellphones, money, and learning things like cancer, fighting and huge cases of bullies disappeared. Only the headmasters have computers but even they don't use them that often. I arrived at my dorm and knocked to make sure no one was there. I opened the door and shut it quickly. Maybe I should go to training  I thought. Nah

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2013 ⏰

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