His sister

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"Avery! It's nice to see you,sweetheart!" I looked up to see my brother's,adopted parents. My brother Jackson moved to London and ever since my parents died I needed a place to stay. So Jackson said I could stay with them as long as I wanted. He even said I could have his room!

"Hi Mrs.Whittemore." I said shyly. She grabbed me by the shoulders,her pink polished nails digging into my skin.

"Honey,Call me mom." She grinned. I stared at her brown eyes and nodded slowly. She picked up my suit case,leaving me behind her. I shrugged off whatever that was suppose to be,and headed after her. I knew one thing for sure,I was not going to get used to this.

"Avery,you can just go upstairs and get settle,maybe go out and explore?But you have to be back before midnight,you're staring school tomorrow." She said before getting back to her cooking. I nodded and went up the long flight of stairs. I was about to go back down and ask her where I would be staying but Mrs.Whit-mom shouted out:

"Third door on the left." I walked and founded the room,which was empty,but a bed and blue walls. I didn't plan on re-decorating this room,but since I would be staying her for a long time,it looked like a good idea.I placed my suitcase on the bed and sat next to it. Coming from Texas to Beacon hills was a long journey. But I wasn't going to rest when I just got here.


"And this is the high school you will be going tomorrow." Mrs.Whi-Mom said once we passed by a normal sized high school. I just wonder how the students will be?

"How are the kids my age around here? I mean are they good? Or are they bad?" I asked shyly. I guess you could say I was a very shy girl. Weak,pathetic teenager.Mrs.Whitt-Mom smiled.

"That depends on who you hang with." She chuckled. I raised an eyebrow and nodded,a habit of mine,and said nothing else. I wasn't looking forward to my first day tomorrow at Beacon High. Mom and I kept on driving,her explaining things .

"Also,Avery." She said turning the car off once we made it to the drive way. I un-did my seat belt and turned to her,curious of what she has to say. "There's things...That happen in Beacon Hills..and they might frighten you but just know, you are safe." She whispered the last part. I had no clue what she was saying,but it made me scare,really scared. Was there a rapist on the loose? I was about to ask her what she meant,but she had left the car. I made it through the night with her words swirling through my head.

7;00 AM

I  stared at the time blinking on my alarm. I didn't bother getting up,that was when Mom knocked on the door.

"Avery? Get ready honey. I'm taking you to school in 30." She said walking away. I groaned but not to loud and started getting ready. Putting on a light dress with leggings and a black leather jacket under a gray v-neck. I brushed out my hair and put on light eye liner and mascara.                           "Avery!" Mrs.Wh-Mom called downstairs. I grabbed my bag and headed down stairs,not before looking once more into the mirror.

Once we made it to Beacon High, students were running around and laughing. I watched as they disappeared into the doors.

"Good luck to day,Honey" Mom said kissing my head. I gave her a weak smile and jumped out,eyes darting to me. I groaned. I was never in the spot light so i will feel slight awkward. I quickly walked up the steps of Becaon High and looked for the class of Mr.Harris. The bell rang,making kids rush by me. A few papers fell from my hand and I grunted,picking them up. When I was done I notice my first period classroom was right in front of me. Ok,Avery you can do this. Just calm down. I thought over in my head. I pushed the door opened and heads snapped to me. Great.

"Ah! You must be Ms.Whittemore!" The teacher(Who I'm guessing is Mr.Harris) clapped excitedly. I nodded and looked at the students staring at me. I blushed and turned to Mr.Harris.

"I'm sorry,I just have to ask.Are you the sister of Jackson Whittemore?" He said crossing his arms. I was surprised at how people still remember my brother. I looked back at the students who were watching every move I made.



Hello! I'm sorry this is short but the other will be long.This was only a preview..I guess..Well I know Isaac Lahey isn't a very popular topic,but I'm in love with him and I just felt like doing a fan fic. So if you are reading and want more please vote or comment because if you don't I just might feel like this story is getting no where. So vote,vote,votee!

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