Thug mentality (life of a girl thugg)

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My names Chris but the streets know me as lil bit cause I'm 5'2. I'm a light caramel complexion with long dark black hair that almost goes to the middle of my back. Im sixteen and I have a one year old baby named ja' Rya and bitches try and judge me but shit idgaf frankly. I'm doing me fuck everybody else.

Monday 5:30 a.m

my alarm clock went off and I hit the snooz five fucking times and it started to piss me off. Shut the fuck up I said throwing that bitch across the room. It hit the wall and broke into pieces and Jarry (Ja' Rya) hopped up "mowma whah was dat? " she said fear in her voice "it's okay boo lay down" she did as told and I got up and checked my red galaxy. I had like 10 msges from the same old crack heads, I just shook my head at they fenein' asses and got up and took a shower and did my hygiene thing and all that other shit. Then I put on a pink bra and some blue boy shorts, I really don't care to match cause I don't dress to impress Fuck Niggas Get Money that's my modo.. I slipped on some grey dickies a white collar Hollister shirt and put my hair in a messy pony tail and put on some grey bred '11's. I looked in the mirror at all my tattoos down my arm and "fear no bitch" a little above my chest... I woke my baby and gave her a bath and put her on the little onesy T-shirt that said rip granny that was black and put her on some white leggings and some pretty white and black tennis shoes. And I put a bun on top off her head and off we went I dropped her off to my brother. Niqqa do ever dress like a girl he asked knowing that's gone piss me off. Mf you know me, and I ain't come her to be judged so get off my dick a swerve yo ass in the house I said handing him the diaper bag. he just chuckled and snatched the the bag and slammed the door in my face. awwww hell naw this niqqa tripping I said to myself. I just got in the car and drove to school. I walked in late as ever and the hall was dead I walked in first period and of course all eyes was on me... I sat down next the this girl and she kept tapping her pencil.. um could you stop I asked irritated she looked at me and rolled her eyes and kept tapping so I snatched that bitch and broke it in half and through it across the room. she looked shocked.. this period went by fast and I went to my locker and saw my friends Kari and deShawn standing there Heyy mommas Kari said but I was already upset so I just knodded at her uhhhh who pissed in yo cherrios she asked making me smirk Bitch shut up but nahhh I'm just irritated I said closing my locker. Well you gone be even more irritated cause yo second hour is Mrs. Truce and she here today deShawn said smirking, Damn that bitch always on my case I ain't got time to be fucking with her old ass today!! they just laughed while I was dead ass serious so the bell rang and and I sat in my car for a good thirty minutes smoking then decided to go to I walked in and all they eyes landed on me I huffed and sat down... Ms. Montoya you do realize that your thirty minutes late for class right she asked looking over the top off her glasses. Yes ma'am I do I had business to tend to I said with my hands on my face cleary irritated.. Business of What sort your sixteen only responsibility you have is school she said chuckling ... Nahh see that's where your wrong but you know What think What you want... No Chris you brought up this topic so please tell us What could be more important than school she asked. Look with all do respect it ain't none of your business What I got going on in my life so gone and get yo nose out my business and put it in your book... She chuckled again I wonder how your children would turn out she said turning to the board.. I lifted my head so fast I could of broke my neck.. What the fuck you say I said raising up.. She laughed excuse me she said. no bitch excuse me what did YOU say!? my daughter gone turn out just fine bitch don't worry about mine you sour pussy ass bitch dont ever bring my kid in shit cause i fight for mines I said loud as hell the security pulled me out the room and took me to the office... I walked in to see the same boy in there his name Jonathan or some shit but I don't fucks with him cause he in fbg gang... principle word came out and I told him What happened and I got three days but I ain't trip until I saw who they called... WTF!!!???

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2013 ⏰

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