Chapter 1

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One of the most discussed topics amongst conspiracy theorist is if extraterrestrial beings exist or not. Well, people claim to have been abducted by aliens or have seen UFOs all the time and more than half of the time they have seen distorted lights or had some weird ass dream. Whatever the case is some people just lie to receive attention however that may not always be the case since even some of the U.S.A's presidents have claimed to have seen or have been abducted by aliens. One thing that is for sure is that if its on YouTube or in the regular web then its probably fake hence the government obviously restricts what we can see. Even with that being, the government can only hide so much which is the obvious. I mean the great Sphinx in Egypt wasn't even built, it was excavated (dug up) by the Pharaoh Kaphre according to glyphs. However even with all of the information that civilians think they have we can never truly unearth whatever the governments hiding unless we see it with our own eyes. Google can't even be relied on I mean those supposed area 51 leaks would have been gotten taken down and not just that but somebody would have probably strangely went poof into mid air. Haha please don't kill me. Anyway to get back on topic no one gets in or out of the area in or around area 51 unless they have some kind of high ass government access. Now UFOs have many different depictions that have various amounts of supposed sounds and shapes. Some say that UFOs make no sound at all while others will say that they make noises that go up and down, but the stereotype UFO is a flat circle shape with lights all around it. I mean you can see circles pretty much anywhere and sometimes lack of sleep from I don't know staying up all night watching for fucking UFOs can cause hallucinations. Moving on many explorers including Christopher Columbus himself have claimed to see a UFO. I'm being 100% honest right now and this alien phenomena shit is always scary as fuck because no one knows when a motherfucker might swoop down and be like "Okay I'm taking your shit, byeee." And no one could do shit about it. I mean what's the government going to do fight them? No motherfucker these bitches got fucking gravity defying space traveling machines what the fuck are you gonna do? Exactly, just think over that for a second. Not only that but Aliens have supposedly been mentioned in religion varying from Christianity to Hinduism. I mean I used to be Christian as fuck and I remember something god said in the bible about "Let us" do something in Genesis. Who in the hell is us? I thought he was the only thing around back then. In Hinduism they talk about some battle waged in the sky and some shit that I don't remember but whatever the case I need to study this shit more. What's bad is that most people that come up with dumb ass theories are fat guys who sit at home all day watching alien shows and think that they're going to make some kind of difference in the world. The world has many unlocked secrets and we have yet to learn them and hopefully this book can open the minds of some people and also make you laugh at the same time. I'm gonna lose my train of thought every once and a while but hey I'll get back to it. Outside of religion Aliens have shown up in artwork and stuff too like look up alien UFO painting on Google I think you'll see some. The reason I say that Google and YouTube are bad sources to find alien shit is because I'm pretty sure the government monitors all that shit and if something legit was posted then I'm pretty sure it would get taken down that same day. Moving on out of that if aliens are advanced and shit then they've probably been around longer than us because the longer a civilization last the more of the brain it unlocks. Just think we've built cars and skyscrapers and fucking skittles with only 10 or 13 percent of our brains so to build a UFO, especially from the nearest habitable planet other than Mars which is like far as fuck away would take a couple billions years and probably longer because dude we've been around a long time and just in 1969 made a spaceship we could survive in I mean its 2016 do the math that's 47 years ago and we still haven't made one that we can live on that can go at least a thousand miles away. Like dude what the hell we can't even make a hover board but we know how to make shit float. Also the look for aliens is not right, that's so stupid, why would they have big ass heads and Chinese eyes (no offense) they would probably look human and have the same body functions as us hence without a heart or intestines you can't survive. My final rant on the stupid alien conspiracy and or pranks that have been played like crop circles and shit is that light speed would be needed to even try and travel through space from even 1000000 miles away and that's not possible considering without light speed you would need a big ass space ship to even burn the fuel not to mention store it and light speed is gonna be hard as fuck to try and travel at considering you could fuck up and make a worm hole if its too big or too small and wormholes have a very slim chance of survival. Therefore I rule alien visits to our planet impossible for at least another couple thousand years because the universe is only so old and not to mention the time to build the big ass space ship and somehow fuel it. However aliens could be possible on other planets since there are habitable planets that exist other than earth. Without further ado I give my final judgment. Aliens cannot visit our planet much less take over it since they are probably going to spend all their time on that ship instead of technology. Therefore I say whoever is around in 5048 will see whomever comes to be if the humans last that long seeing our current world situation.

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