Chapter One: Isolation

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: This fanfiction of mine is really old. I pulled this off my DA account and decided to post it on here. I hope you guys like it so far.


    Far off on the edge of town, there lay a ramshackle building; once a warehouse thriving with activity, now reduced to a devastated wreck like much else of the world. There was a figure- dark, tall, mysterious- grunting roughly as he managed to crawl his way inside through a broken window. It had been a long night for this Hunter, having tracked something- perhaps someone- to the shadowed grounds that he now walked upon. Floyd the Hunter eyed his surroundings warily, his senses alike to a starved bloodhound as he walked toward one of the back rooms, knowing that his prey lay in wait there.

    There was nothing. Relaxing, Floyd thought, Remain eternally aware. Focus. The Infected man readjusted the worn hood of his jacket, the dark, grey fabric still slightly damp beneath his fingers from spilled blood. The shadows that plentifully flooded the room seemed to become emboldened at the heart-wrenching noise, seeming to writhe about him like tortured specters of past evils long forgotten. The color of his faded jacket was perfect for blending into the surrounding darkness, becoming part of them like the cunning cat falls back into the back. They were his friends, his allies; eternally aware and protective. Crouching slightly as he prowled toward the source of the tears, Floyd growled quietly as he continued on his way with the stealth of a determined panther.

    The mysterious Hunter pushed back a curtain of unkempt, dark hair, slowly creeping his way forward as he managed to hear a hastily stifled sob. Looking around the corner, Floyd gazed upon a strange girl; unnaturally white, though dirty, hair hid her face from sight, but that wasn't all that rendered the pale girl abnormal. The woman's hands were like any other human's, except that the woman's fingers were long and claw-like. A Witch, Floyd thought to himself.

    The Witch jolted, loping to the other side of the room with an injured whimper as she tried to ignore the presence of the one who dared to intrude on her territory. Growling low, she rested her head upon the wall, encrusted with small carvings the way that a priceless ring would be with gems. Floyd cautiously began to make his way closer to the Infected girl, flinching and tensing in preparation to defend himself as she abruptly let loose an intimidating growl. The Infected man knew that this depraved Witch was prepared to hack and slash with her razor-sharp claws until one of the two lay dead.

    Floyd frowned slightly as he clenched his fists, his razors of nails digging ever so gently into his skin, drawing small amounts of his own blood. The Witch's own claws were primed and ready to maim, feeling all the authority and power of the Fates as Floyd flexed the powerful muscles that rippled beneath his jacket, preparing himself for the ending, the splitting of this girl's thread. Warm, dark liquid that trickled from the wounds upon his hands then dripped quietly onto the ground.

    Hunter faltered as the Witch howled with the undeniable power of a vengeful banshee. Barely able to drop down to the concrete floor in time for the Witch to bound forward and slice savagely at him, Floyd felt the thrill of fear fill his heart as he tried in vain to avoid the Witch's strength. In two swift movements the girl ruthlessly slashed, scratching across his face and leaving vivid red wounds before grabbing him. The Witch's golden eyes glinted sharply before shouting, "Who are you?!"

    Realization washed over the girl's face as she eyed the Infected man within her claws, giving Floyd the opportunity to pull himself away with a furious snarl. "Leave me be, Hunter." The Witch spoke with a cold force that felt difficult to deny.

    "You're in my building, Witch." The man's voice was equally hard; his low, raspy rumble of a voice was quiet in comparison to that of the Witch, but far more menacing.

    The girl glowered distastefully at the one called Floyd. "You cannot claim a building. I have lived here for weeks before you found this place." The Witch turned to face the wall, walking calmly back to her preferred spot while she muttered brusquely, "How about this, Hunter? Leave me alone, and I will leave you alone." Floyd couldn't help noticing that the woman's words grew steadily softer as she spoke, clenching his fists in frustration as she makes a movement with her claws, as though to shoo him away like a troublesome fly.

    He narrowed his eyes at her and firmly stood his ground, giving the Witch no reason to believe that he would back down so easily. "I can so. And I did." Floyd did not care to answer the girl's words of having lived in the building previously; the city was full of abandoned buildings that she would freely be able to nest in, and so he cared very little.

    The Witch turned with a slow hiss, her expression sorrowful as she gazed into her attacker's eyes. "I do not wish to get off on the wrong foot, so please, stop being so aggressive. . I've only defended myself." Floyd felt her piercing eyes upon him, certain that she was attempting to foresee another attack in case his body language gave him away.

    The Hunter refused to lessen his stance, shaking his head with a deep frown. "I still claimed this building."

    Completely ignoring him, the Witch turned her back to the Hunter once more, returning to the corner of clawed symbols in the room. "Relax, I won't hurt you anymore. My name is Jenny." Jenny seated herself, staring intently, longingly upon the rough drawing she had clearly made upon the wall. The Witch's entire frame shivered as tears shimmered clearly within her anguished eyes. "N-no. . p-please, please leave me alone!"

    The man frowned uneasily as he carefully watched Jenny. "I'm Floyd. . ." He muttered hesitantly. Floyd rolled his eyes as the girl's sobbing began to intensify, feeling his patience gradually melt away like molten rock within a volcano. "Oh quit that!" He growled.

    Jenny rubbed her eyes with a quiet hiccup as she raised her head, looking up into Floyd's eyes. "I c-can't help it. ." The sorrow and shame that lay in the depths of the girl's haunted, tortured gaze pierced his heart like a white-hot dagger, much to Floyd's surprise. "P-please, just l-leave me be!. ."

    Floyd frowned slightly, warmth blossoming ever so faintly within his heart as the urge to comfort her, guided by his ever increasing pity for Jenny, took over. "Hey. . . Hold on a second. . ." He laid a gentle hand upon her shoulder.

    Flinching deeply at the man's touch, Jenny stuttered, "W-what? What do you want from me. .?" Jenny took a soft yet shaky breath as she turned toward Floyd, asking in a small voice, "Why are you acting so nice all of a sudden?" The golden gaze of Jenny met Floyd's dark eyes, her own eyes now soft and pleasant.

    Floyd recoiled at the Infected woman's question, growling hastily, "It's nothing, just stop crying!"

    Jenny sighed with a soft shudder, attempting to regain her composure once more. It took her a moment or two to collect herself before quietly muttering, "I'll just leave you be then. ." Jenny rose to her feet and began to walk toward the door, a shadow clearly hanging over her spirit. "Farewell, Floyd. Maybe we'll meet again. . " The Hunter once again couldn't resist noting the deep sadness the tainted the soft, golden glow of the Witch's eyes, as though she had the hope of finally making at least one friend in the hallowed shadow of a broken world only to have it stolen at the very last moment.

    Before he knew it, Floyd had raised his voice as Jenny began to walk out the door of the room. "H-hey, wait!" The Witch flinched slightly as he ran toward her, once again putting his hand softly upon her shoulder.

    "W-what?" Jenny appeared slightly confused, hope flickering slightly within her darkened gaze. "Did you want me to stay? I really don't want to bother you any longer." She murmured. Her gaze shifted down to the ground at the gap between them as she gently removed his hand from her shoulder.

    Floyd hesitantly allowed his hand to fall. "N-no . . .You can stay." He muttered quietly, yet without hostility. "Just. . don't cry. Please. . .?"

    Jenny couldn't resist smiling warmly, light returning to her gaze. "T-thank you. . " She finally began to relax, appearing relieved at the fact that he wanted her to stay. "I'll try not to cry anymore, okay? I'll do my best, I promise." She gently took his hand. "Thank you. . . really, I thank you." Jenny bowed her head a bit as she walked back into the room to her darkened corner.

    "Y-you're welcome. . ." He murmured softly, after she walked away. Floyd hastily tugged at his hood as a light, warm feeling flooded his chest. The heat within his face clearly told him that he was blushing, and he had absolutely no desire to advertise it.

    Floyd calmly walked over to the window, taking in the pleasant tranquility as the only sounds to be heard was that of the gentle scratching of Jenny's continued drawing and the crickets' joyful chirps, finally allowing a sense of hope to wash over his weary mind like gentle rays of sunlight. What a long night it has been, he thought to himself.

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