Chapter 1

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Tobins pov

"Kelley. Will you empty the dishwasher? Please?" Alex asks. I look up from the coloring book that I was coloring in with Rose. I see Kelley roll her eyes and groan.

"Why?" She asks rudely.

"Because it's your chore and I asked you to." Alex says back raising her voice slightly.

"I'll be back." I say softly to Rose.

"Okay!" She says cheerfully and goes back to coloring. I walk over to Kelley and take her phone away.

"Hey! I was texting!" She shouts at me. I take a deep breath and try not to explode at her.

"Let me guess. You were talking to Ashly?" Ashly was Ashlyn and Ali's daughter. Kelley and Ashly were dating. Kelley nods. "Well you can have it back when you finish. No excuses." I say and walk away with the phone. Kelley slams her hands down and starts to do the dishes. Alex sighs and walks out.

"I'm back." I say to Rose. She smiles and we go back to coloring.

After about half an hour I hear someone clear their throat. I look up and see Kelley standing there. I pull the phone from my pocket and hand it to her. She yanks it from my hand and walks away with her eyes glued to the screen and her thumbs rapidly texting. She goes to the door and starts to open it.

"Um. Where are you going?" I ask getting up.

"Uh. I'm going out." She says matter-of-factly. 

"Where to and with who?" I already knew the answer but I wanted her to say it.

"With Ashly, Jordyn, and Ella. And it doesn't matter where I'm going. Bye" she says and walks out slamming the door. I sigh angerly. Jordyn was Julie and christens girl and Ella was Meghan and Morgan's girl and Ella and Jordyn were dating. 

They were going out to a bar most likely. I've tried countless times to make her not go but she somehow gets out of it and comes home drunk or not at all. Sometimes they get tattoos. Ashlyn is mostly to blame. She doesn't care if Ashly gets a tattoo or drunk.

You might be thinking that we are horrible parents but I promise you were not. Something went wrong along the road when she was thirteen and we haven't been able to rope her down. It kills me everyday that she's like this and that its most likely my fault that she's like this.

Alex and I love her very much and it's hard to see her be like this. Alex comes in with a sleepy Rose in her arms. I smile when I see them. 

"Hey babe. Are you sleepy Rose?" I ask taking her into my own arms. She buries her head in my neck. I kiss Alex.

"She going out again?" Alex asks softly. I nod.

"I'm gonna go put her to bed then I'll go get Tobias." I tell her. She nods and I go to Roses room. As I'm tucking her in Rose asks me a question.

"Why is Kelley so mean?" She asks in her cute little voice. 

"I don't know Rosie. Is she being mean to you?" I ask. Her answer surprises me.

"Not always. Usually when you and mommy are around she's mean. I asked her why she's mean and she yelled at me and said it wasn't my business and went away." My mouth hangs open.

"At least she isn't always mean. Now get some sleep." I kiss her forehead and turn off the lights. Alex was watching tv.

"Alex. Rose just told me that Kelley isn't usually mean to her. Only when we're around. And when Rose asked her why she was mean Kelley yelled at her and left." Alex's mouth drops open.

"Are you serious?" I nod. Alex brakes down in tears. I wrap my arms around her and hold her close.

"What's wrong?" I ask softly.

"What did we do wrong?" She cries. That makes a tear fall from my eye.

"I don't know Alex. I don't know."


"Let's go Tobias!" I shout from the doorway. I hear running footsteps and Tobias appears smiling. He had Alex's nose and  blue eyes and my light brown hair as well as my smile. I ruffle his hair.

"Ready?" I ask. He lifts his sweatshirt to reveal his Portland Timbers jersey.

"Heck ya! Lets go!" He starts to run out but Alex catches his arm before he makes it to far.

"Are you going to leave before giving me a hug and kiss?" She asks.

"Oh ya! Sorry momma." He hugs her then kisses her cheek. 

"Go have fun. Don't stay out to late." Alex says. I kiss her.

"We won't. Be good Rose." I say. She runs over and I squat and give her a hug. Then she goes to Tobias and hugs him. He hugs back and kisses the top of her head. I smile. Tobias away never shyer away from showing affection towards his sister and Alex and I. He made every effort to make Rose smile when she was crying or unhappy. 

"Bye Rosie. I'll be back soon." He says before we head out. Kelley didn't come back last night and hasn't answered any of my texts or calls. No surprise.

Tobias and I enjoy front row tickets to the game and it ends around 6. After the game we decide to get some ice cream.

"Have you seen or talked to Kelley lately?" I ask him. I know for a fact that Kelley and Tobias have a special brother-sister bond. Kelley made Tobias hide their friendship but I know that they are very close.

"I... I have." She says suddenly becoming quiet.

"Do you know where she is?" I ask calmly. He nods. "Where is she?" He gulps.

"I think you know where she is." He says quietly. I nod. She's at Ashly's house. Ashlyn and Ali are gone for the week so Ashly invited her to stay.

"Hey why don't you ask if Heath wants to come over. We can go pick him up." I say. His face list up and reddens. Heath is 10 like Tobias and Tobias has a little crush on him. They are also best friends. He pulls his phone out and texts Heath I assume.

"He said yes he would love to. He doe st think he can stand another day of Ashly and Kelley together in the house." I nod.

"Tell him to pack some clothes and he can stay at our house." He nods and texts Heath. Soon we are pulling into the Harris' driveway. Heath is waiting on the doorstep and immediately hops up and runs to us when he sees us. I get out along with Tobias. They do their bro shake and get into the car.

"Heath. Is it okay if I went in for a sec?" I ask him.

"Ya! Sure! But their making out and I think their almost gonna do it." He says quietly. I nod and head into the house.

I find Kelley on top of Ashly making out with their shirts off.

"Well hello there. Can you tell me where the loo is?" I say in a British accent. They jerk apart and their faces redden when they see me.

"Mom! What are you doing here!" Kelley shouts while Ashly scrambles to put her shirt on. I surpress a smile.

"I need to use the loo. Oh and Heath is gonna be at our place for awhile. Kelley I want to see you at supper at 6:30. That's 20 minutes from now. So finish what you're doing and get home. If you're not there you're losing your phone." I say sternly. I turn my back.

"But mom!" She starts.

"No buts! I've had enough of you being mean and rude to only your mom and I but not anyone else. You're only fifteen and you've been drunk to many times, you've smoked to much, and you're a slut." She had tears down her angry face. "Actually. You know what. I don't really care anymore. Stay here as long you'd like. Nice to see you Ashly. Say hi to your moms for me will ya?" She nods nervously. "Thanks. See ya Kelley." I say flatly and walk to the car and drive home.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2016 ⏰

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