Lily's First Comic Con

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Narrators P.O.V

"Are you kidding me." Lily banged on the door to her friends house. "Come onnnnn!!! We're gonna miss Comic Con!!!" Maia wined from the passengers seat of Lily's car.

There was a loud crash then the door opened. "I didn't fall I swear." Lily laughed. "Course you didn't you frigging idiot. Now get in the car we're gonna be late!" Lily yelled before running to the car and getting in the drivers seat.

"Nice Costume Maia." Sean smirked and Maia smiled. "Thanks Sean." Maia was going as Cat Woman, Lily was going as Harley Quinn and Sean was going as a male Poison Ivy.

"Maybe you'll meet someone Lil'" Sean commented. Lily just scoffed. "Yeah right and you'll stop making dirty remarks." Lily responded. "HEY!" Sean shouted, crossing his arms. Lily and Maia laughed. "Let's just go now." Sean pulled out his phone. And with that they were off.

It wasn't that long a drive. Though the parking spaces were limited. "If we had gotten here earlier..." Maia's voice trailed off. "I'm sorry I'm a vampire." Sean responded. Lily laughed then pulled into a parking space after what seemed like forever.

"Come on guys we need to get in." They all started walking and soon were standing in a crowd of people. "OH MY GOD IS THAT FNAF?!?!" And with that, Sean was gone. Maia shaked her head.

"Should we get him?" Maia looked at Lily. "Nah, he'll find his way back... somehow." Lily then went to look at different things while Maia looked in a different area.

Lily was always getting complements about her costume. People asking if they could have photos. What surprised her is, no one was the Joker.

Lily thought about how that was probably a good thing since the whole, ya know, Joker x Harley thing.

They all decided to meet up at a small booth not to far from where they were spread out. After what seemed like forever, they gathered.

"So Lil. Did ya' meet any Mr.J's?" Sean wiggled his eyebrows while Maia laughed. Lily punched Sean in the arm. "Guys I'm not gonna meet anyone here."

Sean chuckled. "Well, me and Maia are gonna hit a few more booths." And they were off. Leaving Lily alone. She sighed and stood up before heading over to one of the stations.

Lily then bumbed into someone. She looked up slightly. And what'd ya know. The Joker himself. "Why hello Harley." He spoke, flashing a smile.

"Hiya Mr.J" They both laughed. "May I say I love your costume." He smiled. "Why thank you. I'm Lily." She held out her hand. "Gavin." He shook it gently.

"Hey Lily!!" Maia Called. "Well Mr.J. that's Cat Woman callin'." Gavin smirked. "Hopefully we'll meet again."

Lily took a pen and wrote something on his palm before setting the pen back down.

"Well then call me sometime 'kay puddin'?" Lily smiled. "Will do, Harley." He flashed another smile before Lily sprinted back to Maia.

Maybe that's her Mr.J.

It Started With A Convention. (Lilvin Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now