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Ethan's pov

I walk over to LJ about to tell her where Josh and I were about to go.

"Amber" I say

"Ethan?" Amber asks

"What are you doing here?" I ask

"I was singing in the band. Why are you here?" She ask

"This is my school prom. How are you?" I say then LJ steps in.

"Hold on. How do y'all know each other?" She asks and I knew I had to tell her.

"Um this Amber. She goes to my old school." I say felling gilt that I didn't tell her everything.

"Oh ok. This my sound weird but I was looking at your Instagram. Your take great photos." LJ says

"Oh thank you." Amber says kind of confused.

"So um there was one picture. It was a news years photo. Ethan and so girl named... Um Mia." LJ says and everything comes back

"Oh." Amber says and looks at me. I shake my head and she nods, "it's Ethan's ex. Nothing much to it." She says

"Ok well I feel bad I didn't introduce myself I'm LJ Ethan's girlfriend." She says and everything gets better when she says.

Then I say Josh's face and he was completely shocked. I walk over with him to a little area.

"Hey man." I say

"Your dating my sister and didn't even tell me. I'm your best friend." He says mad

"I'm sorry. Stuff happened and more stuff came up." I say trying to cam him down.

"Fine but if you don't tell me something about my sister I will hunt you." He says

"Ok well I had sex with you sister." I say real fast

"You what!?" He says wanting to kill me

"Hey you had sex with her best friend." I say so he won't kill me.

"Well I have known her longer. But I'll let it go but don't do it again." He says mad

"No promises." I say and walk off real fast.

LJs pov

"So you and Ethan know each other from his ex girlfriend Mia?" I ask

"Yeah. We wee great friends." Amber says

"So all of y'all should hang out sometime. You Mia and Ethan." I say smiling

"Oh you don't know." Amber says and I get confused.

"Know what?" I ask and Ethan comes up from be find me.

"Hey girls." He says outing and arm around me.

"What do I not know?" I ask mad

"Know what?" He sad looks confused

"About your old friend Mia?" I say questionably

"Can we talk about that some other time?" He asks

"No I told you my secrets. So tell me!" I say angry because I have poured my heart out to him.

"Fine come with me." He grabs my arm and takes me to the hotel lobby.

"Ok tell me." I say

"No not here." He pulls me to the elevator and takes me to the 2th floor. We get out of the elevator and walks me down to the room at the end of the hall number 222.

He pulls a room key out and unlocks the door. We get in the room and he has me sit down on the bed.

"Ok now Mia as you know she is my ex girlfriend but not by choice." He says and give him a confused look.

"Yeah your confused. Well the picture you saw of her and I New Years night. That was the last time I saw her." He takes a brother and starts to talk more," I kissed her and 12 and I open my eyes and she was gone. I look everywhere for her. I ask her friends to come with me to look for her. Which Amber is one. We went to this park Mia loved. We got there and I was the last place we could look. I didn't see her anywhere. Then I look over and see her on the...." He stops and turns around so I don't see him cry.

"Hey it's ok I understand where this is going." I say holding him

"No I going to finish. I say her on the street. I call 911 and they get her to the hospital and she was hurt and I couldn't see her besides and few times but . About a day or two later she died. Well after all that I changed into something she wouldn't have been proud of. I was a guy who slept with every girl. Then I met you. You remind me so much of her it hurts. You both look so alike." He says and hugs me

I start to cry into his arm and he holds me so tight. I look up at him and smile.

"I think now in time she is perfectly ok with me to date someone that keeps me going in life." She kisses my forehead

"So why did you get room 222?" I ask wiping away the tears.

"Because it's your favorite number. 3 times as awesome." He says with a big smile

"Come on dork lets go back downstairs and finish prom like its meant to be." I grab his and and we run back to prom.

We get into the prom area and we were just in time for prom king and queen.

I stand with Sam as we wait for the nominees to go up.

"Nominees for queen. Andrea love, Alison jason, Lexi Jackson, and Emma slide." When they said my name I didn't know and then Sam pushed me.
I got on stage and I was so scared.

"Now we all voted for this guy right her for King. Ethan Brown!" Ethan heads up to the stage and they put the crown on him.
"Now what we've all been wait for queen. The queen is LJ? Who's LJ?" The speaker guy says

"I'm LJ" I say and then everyone shouts. I go and stand by Ethan and they put the crown and thing on me.

"Now King and queen will have there first dance."

We get down there and start to dance. "How did they not know you by LJ?" Ethan asks

"Because I'm registered in the school by Lexi. And only my good friends call me LJ." I say and everyone joints in on the dance.

Hey guys I know it's been long but I'm sorry. I hope you liked it

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