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"40 DEGREES?! Luhan I thought I told you to wear a coat outside yesterday. It's getting colder and colder." you exclaim, lightly slapping your boyfriend's cheek. By this time, he is groggily waking up and slowly registering the words that are coming out of your mouth. 

"Yah baobei I'm fine." he says in a slightly annoyed tone, removing your hand. "Where's my shirt. I need to get to work, otherwise the manager will be mad."

You open your mouth to tell him there is no way you're letting him to go to work, but he gets there before you. His legs have just touched the floor when the stress of standing takes over and he collapses, faints, and lays unconscious on the cool wooden floor. You stare in horror and panic, dropping to your knees. You instantly whip out your phone, frantically calling the ambulance and then Kris. 

"Hello? I was just about to call you. Where's Luhan?

"He's not well. Fainted. What do I do?" you ask, your mind so messed that you can't even create proper sentences.

"Whoa. Hold up and calm down. Have you called an ambulance? Ok good. I'll take the boys and meet you there."

*Time skip to hospital*

"Where is he? Is he ok? Are you ok?"

"I brought food."

"Yah stop bothering her she's obviously just as stressed as us!"

You look gratefully at Jongdae for those words as he shuts the boys up, and turn your worried gaze back to window of the room where the doctor was checking up on Luhan. After a few minutes, the doctor comes out and announces that Luhan is in a stable condition, although it was best not to stress him out at all for the nest couple of days. The boys wipe their brows dramatically and even pretend to faint in an effort to draw a smile from you. Lay puts a comforting arm around you and draws you into a tight embrace. You lean on him, glad to have some support, and he whispers that it's going to be alright. Kyungsoo and Jongin volunteer to grab some extra resources (food) and leave after a consenting nod from Junmyeon.  

Several minutes later, when the nurse has finished hooking Luhan up to various machines, you and he guys trickle into the room, completely disregarding the "three visitors at a time please" rule. By the time Luhan had woken up, Jongin and Kyungsoo had come back from their grocery shopping and were splayed across the couch. Tao, Sehun and Chen had made themselves comfortable on Kris's lap as the leader himself drooped in sleep, while Baekhyun and Chanyeol were snuggled up together on an armchair. Lay and Xiumin had gone for a coffee run and basically you were the only one still alert when Luhan opened his eyes. You let out a soft gasp of surprise.

"Don't wake the others." He says, and follows it with a stream of coughs. You nod and smooth back his fringe, placing a kiss on his forehead.

"How are you feeling?" you ask concerned. "I told you to wear a coat the other night. Do you want anything to eat? Kyungsoo and Jongin went and bought soup. I think it's still warm."

Luhan perks up at the thought of warm soup, and bit by bit you feed it to him. By this time, the members have woken up, and were surrounding the bed, either being concerned or joking around.

"Alright boys let's head back yeah? It's getting a little late, and we still need to explain to the manager why we all went missing." Kris announces after a few hours. The boys nod, and slowly begin to file out of the room, leaving only you and your boyfriend. You smile softly at him, and go to sit on the edge of the bed beside him.

"Hey." you say softly. "You sure you're good?"

Luhan smiles that precious smile of his, the same smile that had caught your attention 3 years ago, the same smile that had melted your heart. He smiles at your concern. The same concern that had captured his attention three years ago in that coffee shop. The same concern that had made him fall for you. 

"Baobei I'm fine. And I'm sorry I was such an inconvenience to you and the guys. I'll make sure I look after myself better in the future." he says, his disappointment towards himself clear in his voice. You gently wrap your arms around him, resting yourself carefully next to him.

"Luhan it's not your fault and you know that. The flu gets anyone and everyone. Just concentrate on getting better, and keeping yourself healthy. Look after yourself Luhan." you say, emotion lacing your voice. There was this part of you that tried to express just how worried you were when he had fainted onto the ground this morning, but the words wouldn't come out.

"I.. Don't... Scared... Luhan..." Fragments of different sentences came out, mixing into a sentence that made no sense whatsoever. Luhan laughs at just how cute you were when you stumbled with your words, and you smacked him lightly on the chest.

"Don't laugh Luhan. Don't scare me like that ever again. If you caught something far more deadly I.." you stop, unable to bear the thought of that sentence. 

"I won't do that to you baobei." Luhan comforts, leaning in to kiss you gently on the lips. "I'll always be next to you, until we're ancient and old, and even if you're tired of me, I'll still be there. Because I love you."

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