The Werewolf Baker

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So hello all! This is my first story! I finally got the courage to just post it. I hope you all like it. Please leave comments. I am still working on it and the fact that I am putting something on here really means a lot to me. So again hope you like it. :)


He mostly kept to himself. I’ve never really seen him talk to anyone for real except for customers and even then it seemed quite forced. His smile was dim and his stance seemed vacant and yet there was just something about him that quickly turned me into an admirer from a far. He stood about 9 inches taller than my small 5’3 frame so just approaching him became a daunting task. He was the baker, and I was his assistant. A job I recently acquired due to my failure as a college student. I had it all planned out but somewhere along the way it just fell apart and now here I am at Crescent Bakery, serving brownies instead of interning for Eco-Tech. The internship of a life time turned into another crappy summer job as I didn’t make the grade to graduate this past spring. Without a degree I had to turn down the only thing that would have made my miserable existence worth living. My dad had a real knack for pointing out my each and every short coming even though they were few in number. He always could highlight them perfectly in comparing me to the daughter he always wanted instead of what he actually received. Even though I know he means well, he could still be a bit harsh at times. I definitely received an ear full of disappointment when I told him I wouldn’t be graduating and thus I found myself moving back to my rural hometown in the middle of nowhere. I was supposed to be an ecological habitat designer overseas this summer, not a cake decorator in Walsh Town. Well at least the boss man was cute, even if he seemed a bit withdrawn and melancholy. I guess I should have known when I was hired on the spot that he wasn’t looking for someone to keep him company, but none the less it was a job, which was a stipulation my father placed on him helping me move back home. “Don’t think you’re just going to muck about feeling sorry for yourself the whole summer either! I saw a ‘Help Wanted’ sign at the bakery on Moon Street I suggest you apply as soon as you get back Alyssa Rose Garrett!” he said to me before we disconnected. Uh oh, full name, he meant business.

 It was pretty late as I pulled up to the bakery and I notice something different about this old bakery I left four years ago, it got a much needed face lift. My train of thought was broken as I could see lights being turned off on the inside. With haste I rushed to the doors, I couldn’t bare to hear my father scold me in person for not putting in an application because I was late getting back. It would only remind him that I was going to be graduating late. I couldn’t have that, so with that imagine I bolted and burst through the doors, slightly alarming the figure walking towards the door, I’m guessing to lock it. Huffing, puffing and trying to catch my breath I muffled out very few words, “Job, wanted…Help?”  He gave me a quick look up and down with no emotion on his now apparent gorgeous face. “Be here tomorrow, 5:00am... sharp.”  His somewhat deep husky voice was a bit on the dry side and his enthusiasm left something to be desired but none the less I was over the mountain! “Thank you so much! You won’t…” He walked right pass me to hold open the door to let me out. Shocked I slowly proceeded to the door but who cared, at least I didn’t have to fill out that stupid piece of paper that probably would have told him how unqualified I actually was. “Thanks, again” I chimed as I headed to my car.

As I made my way to my childhood home it appeared time had the opposite effect on it as the bakery. The now dingy white paint was chipping and all the pretty flowers that I had planted with my father before I left for college had all died. It was a sad sight to see but it was still home. “Dad! I got the job!” I belted at the top of my lungs not really sure where he was. Our home was by no means a mansion but it was comfortable. A couple of bedrooms, a bathroom plus a kitchen and living room made all that he and I need for our two person family unit. “In here…” his voice trailed from my room. As I turned the corner of the door my mouth dropped. “What the Hell happened to my Room!!!” there he was at what seemed to be a work bench. “Well, I didn’t expect you would be moving back here anytime soon…” he trailed off again in a semi-sarcastic tone. Great, way to add insult to injury, I thought. I could feel tears weld up in my eyes and it burned to keep them in as I muttered out “where am I going to sleep…” getting a bit more upset and pissed I then yelled “Where am I supposed to stay!” With that a quick motion by him and a set of keys flying to my face one again broke my train of thought as I switched gears to catch them before they met my face. Confusion must have been my night time makeup because I didn’t know what to make of this. “I bought a little work space down on King’s Cup Blvd. I was going to move this…” pointing to all his hobby stuff “there, but when you told me that you weren’t graduating, I figured a 23 year old woman wouldn’t want to share one bathroom with her old man anymore.” I jumped and hugged him “Old man! I guess you do care!”

As I stood outside the desolate and dismal building belonging to 3453 King’s Cup Blvd, I wish I could take back that flying hugging. This place was a dump and that was putting it nicely. A smirk crept on my face. “Clever old man” I muttered as I hung my head and entered the building. It was better on the inner than the outer for sure. Still a little bleak but all it needed was my flare and charisma to liven it up a bit. It was a good sized open space that looked like it was converted into a mini apartment. I saw the place was divided by a wall that stretched ¾ the way horizontally across the middle of the apartment. I figured that must be the bedroom area. I peeked to see my dad had placed all my bedroom furniture. How sweet, I smiled. It was like an efficiency suite. The kitchen and living room was one half the area and the bed and bath, the other. It wasn’t that bad actually. That is until I realized there wasn’t any air… “I’m going to kill that old man!” I yelled as I lied practically naked on my bed trying to fall asleep. You won this round I thought but I had to get to sleep, Crescent Bakery in 0500 hours.

The Werewolf BakerWhere stories live. Discover now