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Not so long ago in UPLB,
May isang isko na naglakad papuntang New Dorm.
Sa likod ng YMCA dorm siya dumaan.
(Madilim pa doon back then, lalo na nung wala pa ung green lanterns ng UPLB)

"Psst. Psst."

Isko looked back, walang tao.

"Psst. Psst."

Isko walked faster.

"Psst. Psst."

Isko ran like there is no tomorrow up to his dormitory.

And when Isko arrived to his dormitory, barely catching his breath...

"Psst. Psst."

He was stunned. He felt his heart dropped down to his stomach.
He reached down to his pocket, pulled out his cell phone and...

"Psst. Psst."

It was his phone.
It was several text messages from his Boyfriend.

Boyfriend's Msg: 
"Natakot ka?? I changed your CPs settings! Hahaha! Happy Monthsary ULIT!!"

Isko: "Tang ina this."

Annoyed, Isko threw his body in to the bed while staring at several text messages from his lover. And then...

"Psst. Psst."

It was not his phone anymore. 
It was something real now.

"Psst. Psst."

He closed his eyes and covered his ears while humming really loud. 
After a minute or two, he slowly opened his eyes.
A figure hovering over him. 
He smiled. 

Boyfriend: "Sorry! I love you! I can't help myself!"

Isko: "I hate you! You almost made me pee in my pants!"

His boyfriend smiled and said "I can also make it do stuff other than just pee."

The End.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2013 ⏰

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