Levi x Canada Snuggles and Netflix

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It was a Saturday night and Canada and Levi were on the couch with chips and popcorn.

"So..what do you wanna watch?" Canada questioned, puting her brown locks in a pony tail. Her bangs covering one of her torqousie eyes. strange thing is her eyes looked exactly like her brothers, Eren. She was his twin sister but they were not anything alike. Eren was hot-headed, she was calm. He was loud, she was louder. He was formal to his superiors, she was sarcastic to them. Thats why Levi became attracted to her.

"Umm...how about Hetalia?"

"Hell yeah!" she yelled throwing her fist in the air.

~this time skip leads us to Hechious window cleaner~

After a couple episodes Canada was starting to fall asleep.

" hey Canada... You up?" Levi asked.

"Mhm...." she replied barley awake.

" Do you...... Um mabey......uh....w-wanna snuggle?" He questioned a light blush appearing on his cheeks.

" of course cutie~" she said in a sing song way. They both got on the couch and Canada snuggled into his chest. They both soon fell asleep peacefully.

~next day~
In the morning Canada felt a pair of strong arms holding her close. She looked up and saw levi asleep, his mouth agape and snoring ever so slightly. His hand than moved to scratch his cheek then it fell right back down. She giggled which caused him to snort awake.which she thought was the cutest thing. He then looked down at her as their fore heads touched.

" hi" she said poking his nose.

"Mhh...... Hi" he replies pecking her nose.

' Best.
ever. ' they both thought to themselves as they went to make tea and breakfast.

A\N heya guys! Long time no see! Im sorry ive been on my other account lately. If you would like to go on that account it is Mrs_levi_Ackerman i do take request and ill give the person who request credit! Well see ya later!

~ NightCoreGirl224

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