First Day

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"Are you ready Stace? Today is the big day, the day Miranda Cosmey takes over your life for what, the 12th time already?" Rebecca says cocking her head over her shoulder turning the car off. "Oh shut it short stuff,she took over your life to, ya know your WEIRD obsession with Colby Johnson?!" Stacy says joking opening the door clenching her bag. Its the first and last year of high school,senior year is the best year of their life yet well at least that's what they THINK.

There she goes walking down the hallway with her 'perfect' hair, 'perfect' nails, clothes, body EVERYTHING. Stacey and Rebecca have ALWAYS wanted to have Miranda's so called 'flawlessness' but always ended up being those cool weird bestie's.Stacey and Rebecca get to their lockers turning the locks 3 times,right left right then it unlocks. Stacey glimpses over at Becca for a small few seconds "do you ever wonder if Miranda and Tanner will ever get MARRIED? I mean their always on and off with their relationship." Becca just laughs as she leans up against the locker next to her locker. "I mean what could be worse then seeing those two get married then BOOM divorce?!" Stace says grabbing just a journal, pencil, and eraser out of her locker. Becca just rolls her eyes at the thought of it.

Stace closes her locker then slightly pushes on it to make sure its closed all the way, but what she doesn't happen to see is that Tanner is leaned up against the locker next to hers. "Sup pina and jean?!" Tanner says with his back against the locker looking in her direction with a pearl white smile with his perfect black haircut,Stace liked him ALOT and she knew that Miranda was NOT the one for him. "Why do you call me that, its not like there is something special about it." Stace kinda smiles turning red where her dimples pierce her rosy red cheeks. "I like that name for a reason but I'll tell you later I gtg" he says looking at his phone putting it back in his pocket "she texted again she wants to speak to me" he picks up his bag and trails off down the hall and around the corner.

"PHEW I thought I was toast for a second there" Stace says resting her head on the locker in releif. Becca just stands next to her trying not to giggle,Stacey looks over kinda smirking. "HEY are you laughing at me?!" The bell rings and Miranda flys around the corner with Tanner riding her tail end. "Babe I'm sorry okay she's just a friend" Miranda stops and huffs "Okay babe I believe you" she kisses him,smiles then storms off and enters Mrs. Colleague's science class ; The door is shut.

Stacey just frowned a bit zoning out on what just happened, Becca snaps her out of it. "Hey c'mon were gonna be late." Stacey walks into Mrs. Colleague's class sitting down getting ready for class.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2016 ⏰

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