Chapter 1: Deepest Sleep

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It's been three days. Three days since the loss of his daughter, three days Detective Hendrix has mourned his daughters passing. He sits alone at the top of his stairs drinking his problems away. He takes one step down and here's the creek of the stair. Then another, then another, and another. Until he's reached the bottom stair. He slowly walks over to the couch until he finally collapses over top of it. He falls into the deepest sleep. Memories of his daughter and his wife flood his mind, he dreams the days when they'd walk along the town in the rain, visiting the park, then the ice cream parlor, until they'd all return home to sit together and enjoy a movie. Their bond once drawn together by love and compassion now seems to have fallen into a deep haven of grief with no escape. The man sees to deep of a meaning in life to let it fade away into nothing but loss and unclarity. His dreams now a place of warm-hearted memories, will soon become a setting of suicidal notions, or murderous acts. Unless lucidity can find it's way to poor Detective Hendrix, he will never be the same.
     He awakes 18 hours later to the ringing of a telephone. He searches for the source of the ringing, checking under the couch cushions, and on the coffee table, but his mind is too scrambled to realize it's in his pocket. The ringing comes to end but he continues to browse for it, and still finds no source.
"I need a drink" he stammers.
He heads over back to the couch and begins searching for his flask but can not find that either, until he feels the rectangular shape of one in his pocket. He reaches for it but pulls out a phone, frustrated it's not his drink, he tosses it on the coffee table. Seconds after it hits the table it begins to ring again, he begins to go to grab it but is cut off short when he takes a glance at the screen. The caller ID on the phone says "Taylor" which is the name of his daughter, he doesn't know any else of the name. Shocked and still unaware of what's going on, he picks it up.
     "Baby...?" he says slowly. As his voice cracks you can hear his mournful soul begging for her to answer, pleading for her to be okay, but he knows deep inside even though highly intoxicated, that she's gone. He's seen it himself.
     "Daddy!" an unfamiliar soft spoken voice answers.
     "Baby baby baby, is that you!" he stammers almost as if his was trying to sober himself up. But no answer replies.
     A few seconds pass, and Hendrix still awaits an answer. The suddenly a cruel, angry voice answers that sends shivers up and down the detectives spine.
     "No that was not the voice of your precious daughter." He snickers, "What am i saying, if she was so precious you would've took better care of her, you wouldn't have let me put my hands all over her, streaking them up and down her legs while she lies their screaming for you through her broken jaw. The sound of her torture amuses me. Hers and the countless others I've beaten and raped. You shouldn't been more careful detective. Now the blood of your daughter is in both of our hands. Daddy was not their for her when she needed him most, for almost 10 hours she sat there bleeding through her broken nose, her tears falling down her face mixing with the pool of blood that lay below her, that bitch just wouldn't die I tell ya', it took about 3 minutes of me strangling her for her to die. She managed to get two words out before finally fucking dying, "Daddy Help."
     The monstrous phone call finally ends, before Hendrix can let out a word.
He falls to the floor devastated from the words he just heard come out the slyest voice he's ever encountered. He falls into his own pool of tears, heartache, and suffering. His heart shatters into a hundred pieces right there, it would've shattered into a lot more but it grew smaller after the phone call. His heart has lost the will to love, be happy, it's lost all the people that was most important to it. It's no longer filled with compassion and grace, it only possesses the will to hate, and loathing, it's filled with fear, vengeance and detestation.

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