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     Water and mud made your pelt clump and look filthy. The rain was pouring down hard. Shelter was available around you, but today you wanted to stand in it. How odd you must look. A cat standing in the rain. You raise your eyes to the dark gray sky. You were human. You had eaten the neko neko fruit. You preferred being a cat, living comfortably without worrying. Your master was just killed so you were currently searching for a new one. You close your eyes briefly mourning the loss. 

     The rain suddenly stopped falling on you but you could still hear it pouring around you. Curious you open your eyes to find a man standing over you. His eyes were like gold pools as they gaze down at you curiously. 

     "Odd, you don't seem ill," He commented in a husky voice. "Yet you stand in the rain unphased." You blink up at him in awe. He was an attractive man, you would be a fool to think otherwise. "Are you without home?" He asks.

    You give a meow in response. "Would you like to come with me?" He inquires. Your ears perk and you lift your head. He kneels down in front of you scratching the top of your head. "Then let's go."


     "___," He calls through the mansion, the sound of his boots coming down the hall sounds. "Where's my hat?"

    You purr a laugh from atop your tall scratching post. He walks and looks up to find you wearing his hat over your cat head. He huffs giving an amused smile. "It looks good on you but I'm afraid I'm going to have to burrow it." He states coming over. You purr and hop down with it onto his shoulder. You meow as he gingerly takes it to put on his head. He chuckles and pets your cheek. You give a rugged purr cuddling his cheek.

     "Would you like to come with me?" He asks. You meow quietly and jump back onto the post. "Then I'll be back in a few days," He says petting your head. You meow and he heads out. Your ears flicker as you move to the window and watch him sail away. You smile and take human form before starting your chores. You were happy here, it was peaceful and calm, Mihawk treated you great, and the fact he was so handsome was even better. You giggle to yourself as you fixed things up and cleaned. You had been with him for a bout a month and you were in love with him already. A real shame you were his pet, and he had no idea you were actually a human. 

       You sigh and finish your chores, changing back into a cat and wandering to his room, jumping on his bed and curling up on his pillow, taking in his scent and drifting off to sleep.

        Mihawk returns later that day, he had been lucky to come across a merchant ship and bargain with them. He entered the mansion, sharp eyes not missing the fact it was much cleaner than when he left. He always noticed. He puts up up the supplies, noticing the henges were freshly oiled. At first he had been concerned he had someone hiding in his home, but he soon accepted it, who ever they were they were a good house guest. He heads to his room, knowing his faithful feline would be on his pillow. 

       He smiles a bit, hanging his coat and hat before going over and laying down, stroking your fur. You stiffen, head shooting up and fur standing up until you see its him. He chuckles in amusement. "Don't attack me ___," He rumbles. You blink and meow moving closer and cuddling his neck with a purr. "I got you some fish, mi pequeña belleza," He breathes. You perk up a bit at the first part, unable to understand the second part. He smiles rubbing your head and getting up going to his closet to get a shirt on, you watch him quietly, admiring his muscles and smooth movements. He glances back and chuckles.

        "Come ___," He says walking out. You follow after him cheerfully. He glances back and stops leaning down and scooping you up. You purr cuddling him at that. He walks into the kitchen, setting you on a stool and starting to cook up some fish for both of you. You watch him happily until a knock sounds on the front door. You both look toward the sound. You hop down and start for the door with Mihawk. He opens the door and frowns at the marine.

         "What is it?" He asks.

         "You are to be present at the next meeting at HQ." The marine states. You droop your tail at that, that meant Mihawk would be gone longer than usual. 

         "I'll think about it." He responds shutting the door. Mihawk peers down at you before picking you up gingerly petting behind your ear. "Come mi pequeña belleza, don't look so down," He murmurs carrying you back to your stool. "I won't be gone forever." He adds. You meow, purring and cuddling his cheek. He smiles a bit nuzzling your shoulder before setting you down. 

          After you both ate he carries you back to his room yawning quietly. He often carried you around when he was going to leave soon, like he was apologizing for having to go. He sets  you down on the bed before going to take a shower. You hide behind his pillows cheerfully. He soon comes out looking around for you. He smirks laying down on the bed. You pop out paws on his cheeks nipping his nose playfully. He chuckles sitting up and playing with you for a bit. 

          You give a yawn and he scratches behind your ear. "Sleep well, mi pequeña belleza," He breathes. You purr cuddling up to him and drifting off. He smiles softly and drifts off.

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