Love MIA

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"Alice, I love you with all my heart." Liam spoke gently to her, his voice filled with passion. He moved her dark brown hair behind her ear and lifted her face to his, holding her there with his strong hands. To her, his fingers felt soft and wonderful as they touched her face tenderly. However, before he had time to kiss her she rolled playfully out of the way and onto the cool ground. He moved closer so he could stare into her soothing hazel eyes. Alice moved towards his mouth, his lips drawing her in. She touched her lips to his and they deeply kissed.

"I'll love you forever, Liam." Alice laid her head on his chest. A chill danced across her skin and she shivered. Liam moved his arm around her and brought her close. She nuzzled up to his side and their chests rose up and down together, perfectly in sync. Alice thought, I never want anyone else. Only him. Without him, I wouldn't know who I am or what I could ever be. I love him and I would do anything to keep this love, keep him.

There then was suddenly a noise from some nearby trees. Liam shot up into a protective stance in front of Alice. Alice stood up and looked around. Who was out there? How did anyone know about their secret spot? She couldn't figure any of it out. Liam still stood alert and grabbed Alice's hand with a grip of steel.

"You need to go home now, Alice. Grab your sweat shirt and go. I'll catch up." Liam spoke blankly but there was an unknown edge to his voice.

"Liam stop. You're scaring me. I want to stay with you! I'm not leaving without you, Liam." Alice spoke fearfully. She grabbed his hand and tugged, but he would not move.

"Alice you must leave. I will catch up, I promise," Liam then lifted her lips to his and kissed her. "I love you. Forever and always." He spoke softly, and with care and worry in his tone.

Alice looked into Liam's eyes and sighed. "I love you too, forever and always." Alice hugged Liam, snatched her hoodie and left, feeling a knot of uneasiness build in her stomach as she reluctantly walked on the trail back to her house.

When Alice got to her house she was faced with the task of climbing up to her bedroom window, which was a little over ten feet off the ground. She was familiar to sneaking back into her house since she snuck out so often to meet Liam back in the woods. The back of her home was covered in thick vines that climbed and crept up the back wall and created various strong footholds. As she started off towards her room the footholds seemed to waver more than usual. She did not pay any attention, as she was too preoccupied with thoughts of weather or not Liam was okay. Then, when she was just at the point where she was high enough to grab the window that led to her room and swing herself in, the vines supporting her snapped. She let out a small squeal as she fell and tried to maneuver her arms and legs to catch herself as she fell. But however it was too late, Alice hit the ground, hard. Her arms and legs hit and spread at various angles she felt a sharp pain in her left arm and right ankle. Her torso felt as if someone was stabbing her, the wind was knocked out of her, her head smacked the ground and everything went black.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2013 ⏰

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