Chapter 1

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(3rd POV)

  Peeking into a tiny hole, Link didn't know what was inside. Opening the door slightly, he gazed inside, his cerulean eye shining from the lightning flash. Busting the lock, he opened the door. Darkness surrounded him, spider webs blew within the wind. Walking through the corridors, his heart felt weak and cold. Searching was the only way to get toward the light, but no light came to him. He closed his eyes while sitting down, and began to dream.


  "Link! You coming down?," Link's wife, Zelda, began to beckon him from his room. "Father! C'mon down! We're almost ready to go!," one of Link's kids, a young boy with bright blonde hair and blue eyes began sprinting up the stairs. "No Aki! Get back here!," Zelda beckoned him, but failed. Aki pounced on Link's stomach,"I found him!" "Got off me Sensi Akira!," Link's voice echoed down the stairs. "Oh dear. Did Aki land on Father again?," Aki's twin sister fanned herself as she waited. "Yes, he did. Aki, you get of your father this instant young man!," Zelda began to climb the stairs, heading into Link's room, then became surprised, seeing her son off of Link's stomach while smiling,"Oh! You...Already...Did..." Link laughed at Zelda's blushing,"Zelda, don't be so hard on them, okay?" "Alright. Aki, you come with me. Your father needs to dress himself right now. Come along.," Zelda took the child's hand. Link got out of bed, removing his undershirt from last night,"And I thought taking care of kids was easy!" Opening drawer after drawer, he finally found his raven kimono, lined with a white sash, then smiled. "Well, you coming father?," Aki's twin sister came inside his room. Link turned while tying his white sash around his waist,"Aika, I'll be fine. Go on and wait with your mother, okay?" Aika squeezed Link's waist, her aqua eyes gleaming innocently at Link. "Alright. I'll carry you. Hop on.," Link went down on his knees waiting for her daughter to hop on. Aika hopped onto Link's back,"Thanks!" Link grabbed a ribbon, then tied Aika onto his back, lifting her up a bit up onto his back, carrying her down. "Going in your kimono, eh? That's fine. I'll go get mine.," Zelda quickly ran back up to her room. She quickly came back down, a white kimono with black ribbon bordering her as she smiled. Link untied Aika from his back,"Alright. Let's go." Both of the children smiled,"Yay! Picnic time!" Zelda grabbed a basket,"Let's go."


(Link's POV. Short.)

  For a moment, I felt a hand on his shoulder, shaking me a bit from my slumber, my dreams. My eyes widened, but my body still cold from the rainwater. For a moment, I thought I saw one of my children, Akira or Aika, but to my surprise, I thought for a moment I saw my wife, Zelda, waking me up from my sleep. "........Zelda?," I rubbed one of my eyes from sleep. "Who?," a young woman, the age of maybe 16 or 15, became confused. "Wait, who are you? Where am I?," I began to wonder.

(Female ??? POV)

  Zelda? Who was that person, standing in front of me in wonder, and called me Zelda? "I'm not Zelda. Who are you, young man?," I cocked my head to one side, the young male's cerulean eyes looking at me in confusion. At the moment, the young male became irked at the sight,"Wait! Dark Zelda?! You're alive! You cursed Angel of Darkness! How'd you escape!?" I became shocked at his appearance. Dark Zelda? Who is that person, questions wondering through my mind. Who was this young man, this Hylian, that inquired me with such a question!? Why 'd he become so aggressive with me? "I'm sorry, but I'm not the one you're looking for.," I finally gave him the truth. The male began to calm down, his eyes meeting with my magenta eyes. I quickly left, then found a candle, lighting the darkness away from my world. I ran up to him, the candle warm in my fragile hands, lighting the way back to him.

(Link's POV)

  I met her eyes with mine, her eyes shining magenta in the candlelight. "Who are you? Are you 'her'?," I gazed onto her innocent eyes. She offered her hand to me,"You don't know who I am?" "Well, no. You and I just met face to face.," I took her hand, meeting eye to eye with each other, then I glanced away. She cleansed my ice cold, wet cheek,"Are you alright?" "I'm fine. I just need to spend the night, I guess.," I glanced outside the window, the rain flooding the way back to Hyrule Field and the Laynayru Province, back to my wife and children. "You can stay with me for a while.," she kissed me on my chest. I shivered from my wet tunic,"Do you have an extra set of clothes?"

(Female ??? POV)

  I nodded,"Yes. I'm sorry that I haven't introduce myself properly. I'm Kyoko, you?" "Well, I'm Link. I'm from Ordon, but I now husband to Princess Zelda of Hyrule, bearing two wonderful children named Akira and Aika. Times will change when they come at that age to fulfill their fates." "I see, Link...," I stroked his wet dirty blonde hair, removing his forest green cap from his head, revealing his small ponytail to me, then I smiled.

(Link's POV. Short.)

  I didn't notice that Kyoko removed my soaking wet cap from my wet head. I caught it, blushing bright pink. She laughed at me," You're so cute when you blush, Link!" "Very funny, now about my new clothes?," I lifted her chin, meeting me face to face. She took me by the hand,"Yes, come with me. I'll show you." I bowed to Kyoko, showing respect to her,"Thank you, malady."


Hello everyone! My first LinkX---- Story! Sweet! Have fun reading Here're a few guidelines for you reading.

POV- Point of view

~~~ - recollection/ memory

Thanks! Have fun reading!

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