Sword Art Online
This anime shows a young teenage boy named Kirito who buys a new game called 'Sword Art online'. As a beta tester Kirito is already pro at this game, as he is teaching a new player on how to play all the players are teleported to the centre of the city. Where the game developer tells the players that they can't escape the game until they have beat it and if u die in the game you die in real life.
Now SAO would be much lower on my list if it wasn't for the awful second part of it, I'm not even gonna go into what it's about.
The reason I like SAO is not because of the animation or the music (although both are great), I liked it for the love story between Asuna and Kirito, I just found their relationship very natural and it really made me want to keep watching just because of that.
Top 10 Faviroute Anime
RandomNow anime is a big part of my life it's basically what I do in my spare time. So why not tell you guys my 10 faviroute anime