01 - Long Nights

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Zitao POV

Seoul seem like its having troubles again but, what am I to do when I'm so close to debuting even though I think I'm not qualified yet; so much is lacking, even my Korean is not yet sufficient. But I've had too much close call with death to stay here but, also I can't give up. I'm determined to get through this, debut, and prove myself once and for all. I just hope Korea become peaceful again like it used to be... a couple of months ago.

I checked the clock in the kitchen, 5 am. I should sleep. Tomorrow or rather later today will be another intense practice since it's the day before the monthly assesment.

I quickly got ready for bed and sleep but, I got woken up just as quickly as an explosion downtown shook the windows. It was far enough to not damage glasses  and windows but it did trigger some cars' alarms. "Can't a guy get some decent sleep around here?! Seriously." I mumbled.

I guess today is not sleeping day today, not thta I slept the other days too. I used to say, 'sleep is for the week,' but after just a couple of weeks in Korea strange things have been happening: terrorist attacks, random mass blockades, etc. I'm definitely sure there's more to these than meets the news but, right now I have to deal with my own problems, including just being put in a group as soon as I got accepted at SM Ent. oh well.

Getting ready to go to sleep again, I suddenly saw huge passing shadows from my window. It, no, they were fast. I know for sure thtthose were not birds because of the silhouette and, the way they moved, it's different from the other times they've passed these windows...they seemed hurt

Should I follow them? But they came from the direction of the explosion and they're flying around the neighborhood like monkey ninja birds. They've alway been a mystery to me. Also, to say that I can't keep up with them is a lie but they can't, no, NOBODY can know who I am at all.

===Chap 1 끝, March 9 '16, 8:45 pm (PST)===

A/N: If you can't tell already, yes, EXO is going to be in this and a bunch of cameos. I know some people might find certain topics avoided (I personally don't want to relive those either) but I hope that this will not stop you from reding this fic since I have like 4 other chaps written and a great plot going ^.^

Also I need to tag this fic but I honestly don't know what to tag it too, like should i tag those people too or nah? HALP ME >_<

Finally, sorry that 1st chap is hella short

ps. read Noblesse if you haven't, seriously its great, also helps you understand how the plot and relationships work in this fic....

/shames myself for having a long as$ a/n-.-''/

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2016 ⏰

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