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Brennan's pov:

"Liv's turn." I try to say as casually as possible. I can't let anyone think that I like Liv. It will only make things more complicated.

Livs pov:

Something seems up with Brennan. I hope he doesn't like me in the like way. We're close friends and I don't want to make anything weird. Besides, I like Caleb.

"Caleb truth or dare?"
"Dare" he replies.
"I dare you to say who you like"

Maybe I shouldn't of asked that.
"Uh Katie?" 

Katie's pov:

Caleb just said he likes me. I like Luke though. Man this is so confusing

"Katie truth or dare?" Caleb asks.

"Truth" I should of said dare.

"Who is your crush?" Definitely should of chosen dare.

"Luke"  I sigh.

Luke's pov:

It's nice to know that someone likes me in that way, Katie's nice and all but I like Annie. I know they're all going to ask me who I like. Everyone will know who everyone likes except for Liv.

"He likes Annie." Caleb says.

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