New Day

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^the Shelby Brothers^
So second chapter is here. I've decided to make it third person as I feel like it sounds better so I've changed chapter 1 as well💕 hope you enjoy it. (A/N this contains some violence at the end and some strong language)

Rose walked to the Garrison fresh faced in her barmaid clothes. She knocked on the door and was greeted by the bartender.
"Good morning Rose"
"Good morning Mr?"
"Wilson, Edward Wilson"
"Mr Wilson" She chuckled "now I know your name"
"Come on in then love"
She walked in and took off her coat
"Where should I place my stuff Mr Wilson?"
"Just in the office, it's that door next to the liquor"
She walked behind the bar and placed her bag and coat on the hook. She checked herself in the mirror and dabbed her lips with her finger, smoothing out the lipstick and plumping her lips slightly.

"Just so you know Mr Wilson, I used to work in a pub back in London so I know most things"
"Okay love, all you do here is pour pints and whiskey and clean.. Less work than London I imagine"
She laughed, "a lot more"

"Right, so now you've got the hang of it can I leave you by yourself? I have a few errands to run"
"Of course Mr Wilson"
"Thanks Rose, please, call me Edward" he smiled and left the pub.

She let out a sigh and started cleaning the glasses that they had just used for practice. She straightened the bottles of liquor up along the shelf and started to put down the chairs and clean the tables. Half way through cleaning the tables, the door started shaking. Someone was behind it shaking it vigorously.
"Since when did we have this door still locked at this time Edward?" She heard a man shout.
"For fucks sake" he screamed


He got out his keys and went to open the door when he heard it get unlocked. He stood back with his hands in his pocket ready to be greeted by Edward, but the shadow through the frosted glass proved to be someone shorter, curvier, certainly not Edward.

The door was opened and he was greeted by what the shadow had predicted. A short, curvy brown haired woman. His breath was taken back, she was beautiful . She held the door close to her, "can I help you sir?"
"You can actually, you can start by letting me in and serving me a drink?"
"Why should I let you in? Who are you?"
"I'm Thomas Shelby, owner of this pub"
She opened the door wider and let him through, locking it behind her.
"Why are you locking it again?"
"Edward said the pub is opening at midday today sir"
"That's right, I remember now" He took his cap off and ran his hand through his hair.
"Irish whisky please"
She put the glass in front of him and he watched her pour it. Tucking her bottom lip between her teeth, the concentration showing on her face.
In that moment he swore he recognised her, the lip bite. She was here last night.

"You were here last night weren't you?" He took a sip. She looked at him trying to work out if she remembered him.
"Yes Mr Shelby, I-I was" He took out a cigarette and struck a match, inhaling the toxic smoke deep into his lungs.
"What's your name?"
"Rose, Rose Hawthorne"
"Pleasure to meet you Miss Hawthorne"
"The pleasure is all mine Mr Shelby"


He smirked at her comment.
"So Mr Shelby, what do you do for a living?"
He took a drag of his cigarette, her eyes not leaving his unless they were to scan down to his lips. He was so attractive.
"I'm a businessman, I run a family business if you must know"
She looked at him and bit her lip. Making her definitely the woman from last night. Tommy shifted in his seat.
"What about you?"
"I'm a barmaid clearly" she laughed "have been all my life"
"Yeah of course, stupid question"
Rose walked around the bar and continued to put the rest of the chairs down, humming as she did so. She was completely unaware that Tommy was watching her.

"I best be off" he said, placing his now empty glass on the table.
"Okay Mr Shelby"
"See you tonight" he turned and left through the door.
She cleaned his glass and threw out the finished cigarette from the ash tray.

~~~~back in London~~~~

"Mr Byrne sir"
"What is it Robbie?"
"It's-It's Rose sir"
The tall, oldish man extinguished his cigarette and turned to face the young boy. Bearing bad news to Mr Byrne was always risky business.
"What about her?"
"S-she's not h-here" you could hear the nervousness in his voice. Mr Byrne stroked his chin and took a sip from his Scottish whiskey. He fake smiled at Robbie.
"And why is that huh? Where could she possibly of gone?"
"Not sure sir, her guards have been there the whole week after you know what"
"After she tried to escape when I killed her dad? Not surprised about that one really" he swirled the last mouthful of whiskey in his glass and let it burn down his throat.
"What should we do?"
"Well" he stood up and walked over to Robbie, Robbie gulped hard and couldn't help but suck in a large breath.
"What I would like is if you went and got Rose's guards for me"
"Yes sir"

He walked them to Mr Byrne's office.
"Do you know why you lads are 'ere?"
"No Mr Byrne" the one played with his sweaty palms.
"You're here because my beloved Rose had somehow escaped, under your protection may I add, and I'm not very happy" he leaned in closer, "not. One. Bit" he backed away.
"So I have an idea" he pulled out his revolver and shot both of the men in their heads. No one had a second chance with Mr Byrne.

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